
All posts tagged #writing

Time to assume your leadership role and be a beacon to others!

Published October 5, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

Here is the card of the day spread for Wednesday, October 5!

The first card is Elder. This card is telling us that it’s time to step into our leadership role. An elder watch the path, stomps the grass down, and throws the boulders out-of-the-way so the path is easier for others. Sometimes you may find yourself alone are tired but know what you’re doing is making a difference in the lives of many. The greatest leaders are those who know how to serve, supporting others reach their dreams. Even if you’ve been in the background in the past, right now it’s your turn to step forward and become the light for others. This card is really speaking about confidence, entering your power, and standing strong. This is about being a leader and stepping into the light. You carry a deep inner wisdom and her teacher and a leader in the deepest sense of the words.

The next card is Spirit Keeper of the North.  This card signifies a time for contemplation and turning within to connect with your ancestors. This is the time for incubation of ideas, mending relationships and meditation. 

The answers are inside you waiting to be heard, there are answers in the silence. Create dreams for your future right now. Repair anything in your home that is broken and whatever’s broken in your life. Forgive any people and situations that you’ve been dragging around with you for a while.

The third card is Talking Stick. The card meaning is to speak your truth. Communicate from your heart and share your reality without hesitation. Be willing to stand before the crowd and share from your center. This is not the time to be shy and hesitant; it’s a time to heal through communication. You have the gift of a true leader, through the way you communicate with others.

To bring all the cards together, what I see in elder is that it’s time to really assume our leadership position which leads into the second card which tells us that this is really a good time for inner contemplation. Maybe you use that inner contemplation to decide how to appropriately use your leadership and step forward and speak your truth as evidenced in the third card, Talking Stick. Now it’s really a time to become a beacon for other people and to lead by example.

Spend some time planning and strategizing the most perfect way to do this. Talking stick tells us that we have the gift of the gab, and that we’re good at communicating through our voice both written and spoken. For me this resonates a lot with what I’ve been doing with my Facebook live videos as well as what I’m trying to accomplish here on the blog.

I hope you’ll join me in being true to yourself, and speaking with your authentic voice for all to hear!

Traveling with Spirit

Published September 19, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

Sometimes it’s hard

Not to know where the journey ends. 

To plod forward with cement feet, 

Toward the unknown, in the darkness. 

But to feel the sun upon your skin,

Is enough. 

It encourages you to plod forward

In the direction of your dreams. 

We are whole

We march together

Toward the dawn of a new world. 

I hold your hand

In solidarity and support. 

You squeeze back, so I’ll know,

You are there with me. Your silent whisper, a constant reminder of who I am. 

Lead with compassion and write to manifest your desires!

Published September 19, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

Here is my free three card spread for Monday, September 19. 

The first card is Compassion. Archangel Zadkiel says, “Soften your heart with respect to this situation and all people involved, including yourself”. 

Forgive yourself and others and see everyone’s point of view. It doesn’t mean you need to change your stance on the matter, but just be sure you are looking at it from all angles. Approach it with love, rather than judgement for a positive outcome. This is about being the bigger person, which ties into our next card nicely!

The next card is Leadership. This one has been coming up a lot lately too. Archangel Gabriel says, “it is time for you to assume your leadership power and position, and lovingly guide others”. 

This is about embracing your power with love, and replacing any self doubt you feel with the derive to serve and help others. When you do this, you will also inspire others to give and serve. Don’t worry what others may think of you. You’re too busy to worry about them anyway. Focus on the lessons you have learned as well as your strength and enjoy how good it feels to be in service to the universe. 

The last card is Creative Writing. Archangel Gabriel is back again and says: “Make time to write down your thoughts in a journal, or pen an article or book.”

I was telling a client the other day how I love to journal. I get the best results manifested from journaling because the intention is clear and focused. From your brain, through your body and out to the universe! Honour any impulses you may have to write when inspiration strikes. 

Writing as a gateway to the gods

Published March 31, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

Today’s card of the day is appropriate given the amount of writing I have been doing lately!

The card is Write. The message is as simple as that.  I don’t know about you but I have a lot of journals. They are scattered around my house and different journals and notebooks have different purposes for me. 

I have my spirit journal, which is where I write down all of the messages I channel from spirit. It’s fun to go back and look at them every once in a while to see what I read accurately. I often forget what I’ve channeled not long after I receive the message since they are not really my own thoughts. Sometimes what comes through doesn’t stick. I have another journal sitting next to my bed underneath my spirit journal. This is more of a personal manifesting journal where I will answer my own questions and do exercises related more to my own self discovery. 

I also have a journal for Reiki and a notebook for blog ideas that randomly pop into my head. 

Do you use journaling in your life or for manifesting? I find that my focus is so much clearer when I write something down, especially by hand because the message flows from my body so much better when it is handwritten. What medium is best for you?

The Power of Manifestation and Validation

Published July 27, 2015 by Metaphysicalmusings

I recently had my first life coaching experience with my friend Jodi Piotrowski.

She’s going to be a fantastic life coach!

Jodi worked with me on removing emotional blocks and using positive fill ups for my subconscious mind. It felt really good and empowering. A couple of fun releases we did made me laugh, because she could hear in my voice (we were talking on the phone) that I was doubting and thought that the process was silly.

Two releases we used were:

I release all positive and negative emotional blocks related to this is silly;

I release all positive and negative emotional blocks related to yeah right;


A couple of the positive fill ups we used were:

I’m so happy and grateful that I am able to help people exactly where I am right now;

I’m so happy and grateful that I am living my dream and I deserve it.

Jodi and I discussed my dream of writing a book. She suggested that I draw a picture of the cover and put it somewhere that I can see it often.

Tonight, I came home, put my son to bed and pulled out my pencil crayons and sketch pad. It felt a bit silly at first, but then I really started going with the energy.  It got pretty exciting so I even drew the energy field around the book. Here’s a cropped version of what I drew.

My Book

After I was done drawing it, complete with my name at the bottom and the intended publisher on the spine I looked at it for a few minutes. I thought to myself, “Wow! This is manifestation. I am looking at my book, and you know what? I CAN DO IT!”

One of the great things about my session with Jodi, was her saying that she knew I could do it. Jodi has a YouTube channel and I have remarked to her a couple of times that I love her YOU CAN DO IT video. It’s basically Jodi telling you that you can do it. She really exudes that in person as well. I do feel like she believes in me, and I certainly believe in her too. Thanks, Jodi. Here’s to the start of some great co-creation and manifestations. WE CAN DO IT! 🙂

Join me on a Journey – Think and Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill

Published July 15, 2015 by Metaphysicalmusings

Well, look who it is… me!

I know, it’s been a while since I’ve been around here, and I apologize but things have been slightly cray cray. You know, working full time, having a two year old (next week – how time flies), trying to go to school and oh yeah, trying to have a social life. Does talking non stop to an almost-two-year-old count as a social life?

Anyways, I did a re-evaluation of how I was spending my time and how I wanted to be spending my time and decided to drop the course I was taking so I could come back here and blog a bit more often and read for pleasure!

Nice segue, right?

My book club is taking a break for the summer, which makes me sad. Who will I talk about books with? How about YOU?

I don’t know if you are interested in reading along, but if you are, I’m reading Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill. I just finished the first chapter. I thought I’d read a chapter, then discuss it here.

“Psychologists have correctly said that when one is truly ready for a thing, it puts in its appearance.” – Napoleon Hill.

I seem to have found another book on manifesting! There are many. The first principle of 13 that Hill discusses is Desire, mainly Burning Desires and tells a story of a man called Edwin Barnes whose dream is to work with Thomas Edison. By keeping that goal as a Burning Desire and believing that he will be an associate of Edison with every fibre of his being, he creates the experience as he actually goes to work with Edison on a project.

“Barnes was ready for a business association with Edison, moreover, he was DETERMINED TO REMAIN READY UNTIL HE GOT THAT WHICH HE WAS SEEKING”

Aha. I’ve read it in a lot of books on manifestation and thinking in terms of abundance rather than thinking in terms of lack. Rather than wishing you had the object of your desire (conveys lack – which perpetuates lack), you think as if you were in possession of that which you desire.

So in order to become rich, we must think as if we are rich already.

“Barnes succeeded because he chose a definite goal, and placed all of his energy, all of his willpower, all his effort, everything behind that goal.”

Hill suggests that we set our goal, whatever it may be, and make a clear statement of what we want. We also must state what we will do to achieve this goal, since we can’t have something for nothing. The last piece of the puzzle is setting a timeline. When will you have the thing you most desire?

This is where I run into a snag. I have such a hard time narrowing down what I want. I’m content with what is. Maybe that keeps me stuck in the same place.

Mine is a huge goal but here goes nothing:

I will write a book by September of 2016. I will blog often and keep writing and researching to keep my creative juices flowing. By writing this blog, it will bring someone to help me with my dreams of publishing my own spiritual book.

Okay, you hear me Hay House!?

What’s your goal?

This is the next part where I get hung up. Writing a book is such a large undertaking, and while I have lots to say, it’s difficult to believe that if I do write a book that I will successfully shop it to a publisher.

Here’s a good quote from the book:

“Success comes to those who become success conscious. Failure comes to those who indifferently allow themselves to become failure conscious.” – Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich.

Let’s become success focused together, shall we?

There’s a lot more of us out there than I realized

Published February 4, 2015 by Metaphysicalmusings

Today, I had a salesperson visit me at work to show me a new kind of paper. We were chatting at the beginning of our meeting about this being a new job for me and that she was quite new to her job as well. She told me that she asked the universe for a job that she would enjoy and let it go. A few weeks later, a company followed her on twitter and low and behold she is working for them now!

It’s so funny the amount of people that believe in manifesting what you want in life. I have asked the universe for more spiritual people to reveal themselves to me because of this whole “coming out of the psychic closet” project I am working on, and they are appearing everywhere!

A few days ago I was remarking to someone that now that I am working in this industry, I am noticing items from the industry constantly. I never noticed these things before. His comment was that’s because now you are aware of them.

That’s the key. Awareness.

We are reading E Squared by Pam Grout for Book Club this month and I have to confess that I am behind! I started reading it before Christmas, but ended up putting it down so I started over again.

Anyways, it’s a series of energy experiments that prove we create our own reality. The first principle is called The Dude Abides principle. Basically you say to the universe, “ok Universe, I’m not sure you really exist so I’m asking you to give me a blessing in the next 48 hours that can’t be construed as coincidence”. Then let it go and watch and wait.

I did mine in my journal and rather than ask for any old blessing, I asked for something specific. I said that because I was worried about how I’m doing at the new job, I wanted someone to tell me I was doing a good job.

Next day at work, I sent a project to my boss. What was his response? Great job! Then I got another email from another manager that ended in thank you thank you thank you!!!! I’d say the universe worked pretty fast on that request.

Journalling is always effective for me when it comes to manifesting. I think it’s because I am focused when I am writing. When I think things it just doesn’t have the same focused intent.

What are you going to manifest? Try it out.

Yeah, I said that!

Published December 9, 2014 by Metaphysicalmusings

Yesterday I had a job interview. The lady interviewing me had a passion for writing, as I do. I was getting pretty excited talking about writing!

Woot! I freakin’ LOVE writing! Remember that meme with the kid who is colouring? I feel like that when people talk about reading or writing.

Anyway, there I was getting all excited about writing and the fact that she also uses WordPress for website stuff that I said, “Hey! I BLOG on WordPress!”

She said, “Really? What do you blog about?!”

“Oh, metaphysical stuff. Intuitive and spiritual development!”

*enter the sound of deflating balloons*

Did I just tell someone in a job interview who I just met that I blog about intuitive and spiritual development?

Yes. Yes I did.

Oh well. She can think I’m a fruit loop if she wants to. 😉

I guess it’s that whole speaking your truth lesson grabbing hold of me again. Might be the SAC, but I seem to be doing a lot of that lately!