
All posts tagged #archangel

Keep your vibration high, take charge and be persistent to manifest your desires!

Published October 8, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

Here is the card of the day spread for Saturday, October 8, 2016. 

The first card is Energy Healing. We all have healing abilities where we can send energy to others using our hands, thoughts and heart. Be aware of this today and use energy to elevate and heal any situation. If you are feeling unbalanced or out of sync, you could seek out some energy healing from a reiki practitioner, or you could practice Qi Gong, Feng Shui or burning sage to clear the energy in your house. 

The next card is Take Charge of This Situation. This card is about assuming a leadership position and recognizing that you have the power to tackle any challenge that comes into your path. The first step is deciding what you want. Determine what is acceptable and unacceptable to you. When you are clear in your intentions the universe will provide you with the things you want as well as immense spiritual support. This is a time to speak clearly and honestly about how you feel and what you want and making decisions. Give yourself permission to do what you feel is right. Don’t look to others for approval today. Recognize that you have the power to make your own choices and live according to your truth. 

The third card of the day is Persistence. When you are manifesting, be persistent with the things you want. This is the time when your manifestations are appearing in your life. Give any doubt to the Angels and they will continue to support you and light your way. Overcome any procrastination issues and take action today. Stick to your priorities and promises. Stay positive and visualize your dreams as already manifested. When you feel that you already have it, you bring yourself into the vibration to attract it to you. 

Stay positive and have a great Saturday!

Have patience, all is well. Take care of yourself while you wait for the seeds to blossom. 

Published September 24, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

Here is my free three card spread for Saturday, September 24th. 

The first card is Patience. Archangel Jophiel says:

Your dreams are blooming more rapidly than you realize. Still, they need nurturing and patience. 

It’s hard to see in the photo, but Jophiel has a watering can and is tending a garden in the photo. You have planted really good seeds. Now is the time that you wait for them to manifest and bloom into your dreams. Enjoy the manifestation process and experience gratitude on each step of the journey. Notice the lessons and love which spring from living in line with your dreams. 

The second card is All is Well. Archangel Jeremiel says:

Everything is happening exactly as it is supposed to, with hidden blessings you will soon understand. 

Things in your world might seem a bit topsy turvy right now, but sometimes the universe has to clear out the old and make way for the new. Sometimes what appears to be a problem is actually an answered prayer in disguise. Take care of yourself during this time with meditation, yoga, exercise and deep breathing for relaxation. Ask Jeremiel for a smooth transition and remember that this change is for the better. Hang in there, breathe and relax. 

The third card is Healthy Lifestyle. Archangel Raphael says:

Eat a healthful diet, get adequate sleep and exercise regularly for optimal health. 

Ha. My eating and sleeping haven’t been great over the last three days. How have yours been? It’s important to take care of yourself, especially when you are doing spiritual work. I have started to get extra energy healings done between my SAC sessions which has helped a lot. Exercising daily and eating healthily will help to increase your energy and elevate your mood as well. Been working too hard? Get some extra rest. Good thing it’s the weekend!

Lead with compassion and write to manifest your desires!

Published September 19, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

Here is my free three card spread for Monday, September 19. 

The first card is Compassion. Archangel Zadkiel says, “Soften your heart with respect to this situation and all people involved, including yourself”. 

Forgive yourself and others and see everyone’s point of view. It doesn’t mean you need to change your stance on the matter, but just be sure you are looking at it from all angles. Approach it with love, rather than judgement for a positive outcome. This is about being the bigger person, which ties into our next card nicely!

The next card is Leadership. This one has been coming up a lot lately too. Archangel Gabriel says, “it is time for you to assume your leadership power and position, and lovingly guide others”. 

This is about embracing your power with love, and replacing any self doubt you feel with the derive to serve and help others. When you do this, you will also inspire others to give and serve. Don’t worry what others may think of you. You’re too busy to worry about them anyway. Focus on the lessons you have learned as well as your strength and enjoy how good it feels to be in service to the universe. 

The last card is Creative Writing. Archangel Gabriel is back again and says: “Make time to write down your thoughts in a journal, or pen an article or book.”

I was telling a client the other day how I love to journal. I get the best results manifested from journaling because the intention is clear and focused. From your brain, through your body and out to the universe! Honour any impulses you may have to write when inspiration strikes. 

Holy career transition, Batman!

Published September 17, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

Here is my three card spread for Saturday, September 17. How is it already mid-September?!

Look what has popped up again. Career transition. Am I changing jobs?

As a reminder:

Archangel Chamuel says: Your life purpose is triggering a blessed career change. 

If you have been praying for help with your career, change is imminent! Although stressful, Chamuel is clearing out the old and making way for the new. Pay attention to repetitive dreams, ideas and visions as they are lighting the way to the career you desire. 

The second card is Sensitivity. 

Archangel Haniel says: 

You are extra-sensitive to energies and emotions right now. Honour yourself and your feelings. 

Sensitivity is a super power. There’s no such thing as being too sensitive. It allows you to see people and situations clearly. Trust and follow your hunches, impressions and intuition.  Haniel can help you determine whether what you are feeling is actually yours or whether it belongs to someone else. 

I was just saying to someone today that I feel like there’s going to be a big shift coming in the near future for me. It feels like I’m standing on the precipice of something big. 

The third card is Hello from Heaven. 

Archangel Azrael says: your loved ones in Heaven are doing fine. Let go of worries, and feel their loving blessings. 

Trust that anyone you have lost is doing well in heaven and have been restored to their former glory. When you are quiet and still, you can feel their presence and feel their messages. The bonds we create in life transcend life and death and those connections endure though the physical body does not. All is well and your loved ones are watching and cheering you on from the great beyond. 

Have a wonderful weekend!

Prioritize and lead with compassion. 

Published September 14, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

Here is the three card spread of the day. 

The first card is Prioritize. 

Archangel Metatron says: “Focus on your highest priorities. I will help you get organized and motivated. 

I don’t know if you are like me, but I’ve been feeling over extended lately. I have a full time job, a busy consulting gig, I’m trying to get my mediumship business off the ground and oh yeah, I have a three year old. Lately I feel like I can’t look away from the balls I’m juggling. 

Metatron wants us to focus on our joys. The cheese to our macaroni. The things that make our eyes alight and our souls sing. It’s time to take charge of that busy schedule and do the things that bring us the most joy and Metatron will support us in this action. Make choices that honour your priorities and your life’s mission. 

Look who came back again today! The second card again is Leadership. 

Archangel Gabriel says: it’s time for you to assume your leadership power and position and lovingly guide others. 

Well, I do have a full slate of readings this week and I always do my best to read from a place of love. 

Embrace your power in a loving way for  the greater good. Your self doubt will be replaced by an increased desire to serve and teach others. When your focus is on how you may serve, you aren’t focused on what others may think about you. Focus on your strengths, the lessons you have learned and how good it feels to be an example of someone living their divine guidance. 

The third card comes back to all those balls I am juggling. The third card is Compassion. 

Archangel Zadkiel says: Soften your heart with respect to the situation, and all the people involved, including yourself. 

I need to acknowledge that I’m not superwoman and that is ok. I need rest and self care just like the next guy. The work will always be there, but I may not, and my needs matter too!

Approach all situations with a loving heart and positive solutions will be presented. Forgive yourself and others and allow yourself to see the situation compassionately from the point of view of all involved. 

This is your life and you are the one driving the bus. Make sure you are doing what you want with it. 

Have a great Wednesday!

Set your intention on your passions and take time for self care. 

Published September 12, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

Here is the three card spread for Monday, September 12, 2016. 

The first card is Passion. 

Archangel Haniel says: Trust and follow your renewed passion in your love life and career. 

Have you been asking the universe for clarity in the area of passion in your life? Haniel is here to guide you to the things you are passionate about and to light the way. Sometimes the routine can get stale and depressing, but as busy people, we automate our lives to make it easier. I know I am guilty of automating my life. I especially automate my eating. I will make a giant bowl of salad and eat it all week and my lunches are always the same. I’m usually happy to go out or order in on Fridays because I am so tired of salad! You can see the point I’m making here. Haniel is coming in to help us shake out of our routine and move toward our passions. 

The next card is Healthy Lifestyle. 

Archangel Raphael says: Eat a healthful diet, get adequate sleep, and exercise regularly for optimal health. 

Just a second here. Adequate sleep!? Hahahahahahahaha!

Ahem. We now return to our regularly scheduled program. Was that my outside voice?

This seems like a no brainer, right? How have you been doing in these departments? Are you taking care of yourself and getting the things you need? It’s time to focus on the basic fundamentals for optimal health. If we don’t take the time to take care of ourselves, how can we possibly take care of anyone else?  Plus when you take care of yourself, your outlook and self esteem will also grow more positive. 

The third card is Chakra Clearing. 

Archangel Metatron says: Call upon me to clear and open your chakras, using sacred geometric shapes

As part of your commitment to a healthy lifestyle, don’t forget your chakras. This energy system can become clogged with things that you are hanging onto. Perhaps try a guided meditation on chakra clearing to get you started. Ask Metatron to help with this. Breathe in light flowing through your chakra system, cleansing and balancing your chakras. When your chakras are aligned, you have more intuition and energy. 

Have a great Monday!! Take care of yourself. 

Trust your emotions and take control!

Published September 9, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

Here is the three card spread for September 9, 2016. 

The first card is Clairsentience. Archangel Raguel says: “Notice your recurring physical and emotional feelings, as they signify divine guidance”. 

Remember that post I did a while back about your emotional guidance system? Now is the time to use it. You might say, “but Amanda, I’m not intuitive…” 

I say that everyone is. We all have gut feelings or hunches and a lot of us ignore them. Start listening to your emotions and that voice inside your head that tells you to do or not do something. 

It’s also helpful to focus on whether what you are feeling is actually yours as well. We can pick up and carry the emotions of others. Do you ever encounter a person and have your mood completely change? You’ve likely picked up their emotions. Next time this happens, ask if what you are feeling is yours. If it is, work with it. If not, let it go. 

The next card is Career Transition. Archangel Chamuel says: “Your life purpose is triggering a blessed career change.”

Have you been asking the Universe for help with your career? That help is coming now! Pay attention to your repetitive visions, ideas and dreams as they will point you in the right direction and help illuminate your next steps. Career changes are always stressful, but the new career is more in line with your life purpose. 

The next card is Take Back Your Power! Archangel Raziel says: “Use your God-given power and intention to manifest blessings in your life”. 

It’s time to take your life by the reins and believe that you have the power to manifest your desires into your life. You are divine and you are meant for greatness. Set clear intentions, journal, trust, believe and allow. You can have anything you want!

Have a happy Friday!

Prosperity is heading your way. Watch for the signs and remember, you deserve it!

Published September 8, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

Hello! Here is my three card spread for Thursday (Thursday already?! What?!)  September 8. 

The first card is Prosperity. Archangel Ariel says: “your material needs are provided as you follow your intuition and manifest your dreams into reality.”

Do you ever notice when you make a choice and go with your intuition despite what your logical mind says, things happen to work out? This is Ariel at work bringing prosperity into our lives. It’s time to trust and allow and believe that when we follow the path of our passion, the rest will take care of itself. 

The next card is Clairvoyance. Archangel Raziel says: “I am helping your spiritual sight awaken so you can see heavenly love.” Pay attention to the flashes in your mind, the repetitive symbols etc. clairvoyance can take many forms. Set the intention that love is all you will see and you will be amazed at the signs and affirmations of divine love placed before you. 

The last card is Remember Who You Are. Archangel Michael says: “you are a powerful, loving and creative child of God. You are very loved.” 

Don’t be afraid of your power, magnificence or wisdom. You are created in the image of the creator and you are perfect as you are. You deserve the best life has to offer as that is what the creator wants for you. When you change your life to align with your life path and purpose, you inspire others. Own your power and be who you are meant to be! Everything else will take care of itself as evidenced by today’s spread. 

Happy Thursday!

All is well, you are overcoming challenges!

Published September 7, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings


Here is the three card spread for Wednesday, September 7. 

It’s been tough lately I guess, with the business of the kids going back to school and getting into a routine. Are you worrying about how you can possibly do it all? Are you suffering from overwhelm? You shouldn’t because:

All Is Well. Archangel Jeremiel is reminding us that everything is happening exactly as it is supposed to, with hidden blessings you will soon understand. Don’t get frustrated with where you are and don’t get caught up in your destination. Enjoy the journey and the learning that comes with it. 

The second card is Overcoming Difficulties. It is Jeremiel again reminding us that the worst is now behind you and you are surmounting any previous challenges. Whatever you are facing, please know that it can only go up from here. The challenges are coming to an end! Yahoo! Stay positive. Challenges make you stronger and allow you to learn resilience to go out and take on the world. You’ve got the “been there, done that” t shirt. You came, you saw, you conquered, and I’d bet you gained some confidence too. 

Archangel Jophiel is reminding you to Clear Your Space. Literally. Get rid of clutter, clear the energy around you and use Feng Shui. Jophiel is all about beauty of your physical form and beautification of your home. Maybe it’s time to put the summer clothes away and to make room for the fall. Maybe you need to organize your office. A great time to schedule this is when the seasons are changing. Release anything that isn’t serving you and allow yourself to make room for the new. Now that you are getting over those difficulties, open the windows and allow fresh air and fresh possibilities to come in. 

Have a great Wednesday!

Clear your energy, be gentle with yourself and take stock of where you are. 

Published September 1, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

Here is the three card spread for Thursday, September 1. Happy September, by the way! I guess it’s officially time for pumpkin spice everything!

The first card is Chakra Clearing. Archangel Metatron says, “call upon me to clear and open your chakras, using sacred geometric shapes.” Metatron will gently clear your chakras cleaning psychic toxins from your body and auric field. This will leave you feeling more energized and give you increased intuition. 

The next card is Gentleness. Archangel Sandalphon says, “be very gentle with yourself at this time. Surround yourself with gentle people, situations and environments.” This is a time to retreat and revive your spirit. You will come out of the retreat with greater clarity and more guidance on which direction you should travel. It also is a great segue into the next card which is…

Life Review. Archangel Jeremiel says, “take inventory of your life and resolve to change or heal anything that is unbalanced.” It takes courage to look at your life, but you will grow and learn from a life review. You will identify patterns that aren’t serving your highest good and you can plan to release them. 

It’s a time for quiet reflection and introspection. Basically time for some self care. I can’t stress enough (pardon the pun) about the need for self care. You need to stop being so hard on yourself and trying to be superman/superwoman for everyone else. Take some time for you. Reflection is a great way not only to see where you are relative to your goals, but to see how far you’ve come. Congratulate yourself and celebrate that. 

Have a great Thursday!