Time to assume your leadership role and be a beacon to others!

Published October 5, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

Here is the card of the day spread for Wednesday, October 5!

The first card is Elder. This card is telling us that it’s time to step into our leadership role. An elder watch the path, stomps the grass down, and throws the boulders out-of-the-way so the path is easier for others. Sometimes you may find yourself alone are tired but know what you’re doing is making a difference in the lives of many. The greatest leaders are those who know how to serve, supporting others reach their dreams. Even if you’ve been in the background in the past, right now it’s your turn to step forward and become the light for others. This card is really speaking about confidence, entering your power, and standing strong. This is about being a leader and stepping into the light. You carry a deep inner wisdom and her teacher and a leader in the deepest sense of the words.

The next card is Spirit Keeper of the North.  This card signifies a time for contemplation and turning within to connect with your ancestors. This is the time for incubation of ideas, mending relationships and meditation. 

The answers are inside you waiting to be heard, there are answers in the silence. Create dreams for your future right now. Repair anything in your home that is broken and whatever’s broken in your life. Forgive any people and situations that you’ve been dragging around with you for a while.

The third card is Talking Stick. The card meaning is to speak your truth. Communicate from your heart and share your reality without hesitation. Be willing to stand before the crowd and share from your center. This is not the time to be shy and hesitant; it’s a time to heal through communication. You have the gift of a true leader, through the way you communicate with others.

To bring all the cards together, what I see in elder is that it’s time to really assume our leadership position which leads into the second card which tells us that this is really a good time for inner contemplation. Maybe you use that inner contemplation to decide how to appropriately use your leadership and step forward and speak your truth as evidenced in the third card, Talking Stick. Now it’s really a time to become a beacon for other people and to lead by example.

Spend some time planning and strategizing the most perfect way to do this. Talking stick tells us that we have the gift of the gab, and that we’re good at communicating through our voice both written and spoken. For me this resonates a lot with what I’ve been doing with my Facebook live videos as well as what I’m trying to accomplish here on the blog.

I hope you’ll join me in being true to yourself, and speaking with your authentic voice for all to hear!

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