
All posts tagged #goals

My heart is full. I am grateful. 

Published November 14, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

I was just reflecting on the last year, well, the last eleven and a half months. It’s been a year of decisions, choices and trust. It’s been about committing fully to who I am. It’s been about setting boundaries about what is and is not acceptable to me. It’s been about defining my life and redefining myself. 

The last year has been about becoming comfortable in my own skin and able to speak up for the things in which I believe. 

It has been a year of expansion, trusting and allowing. It’s been about trusting that the universe will light the way when I don’t know what the next steps are. It’s about allowing situations to play out the way they’re supposed to, without resistance. That’s hard, and I’m still working on it. Sometimes we swim against our own tides. We feel that we should be more than we are. We forget we are enough now. We forget we are perfect as we are. 

I remember. 

I have realized and learned that what we feel and express is our choice. I’ve watched someone I love dearly fight valiantly against a terminal illness. Sadly, it has taken that challenge to show me what is really important. At any moment, your time could be up. I don’t want to leave this earth digging my nails in and wishing I would have done more, or wishing I had been true to myself and my purpose. I am true to myself every day. 

People are embracing me. The psychic closet transition hasn’t been as scary as I thought. The reading spots are booked consistently and I’m able to do what I love. I can offer people an alternative belief system and I can be of service to humanity, not to achieve fame or notoriety, but to offer help and hope to people who need it most. I can provide comfort, closure and clarity and live in line with my own life purpose at the same time. What a gift! 

I’ve met new people, I’ve learned new things constantly. I’ve opened my mind. I’ve done my first psychic fair, I’ve run my first half marathon. I’m working four jobs which are all different, bringing variety, “busyness” and opportunities. 

2016 has been good to me. My heart is full and I am grateful. 

Your Emotional Guidance System: Directions you can’t get at Best Buy!

Published August 29, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

 What if I told you that there was a tool that could get you anywhere you want to go? You can put in the coordinates for your best life possible and meet all of the goals you set. With this device, you’ll always know the way to your dreams. What would you pay for this device? Hundreds? Thousands? Millions?

What if I told you that you already have it? It’s built into you at your deepest level and you just might not be using it?

Throw out your GPS, it’s time to tap into your EGS or Emotional Guidance System. 

Emotions are a strength that we can develop on a deep level to learn more about ourselves and others, and better define whether or not we are headed in the right direction. 

When presented with two options what do you do? I like making pro and con lists, but I find that somehow they always equal out, unless I’ve already made a decision one way or the other. Do you analyze things to death? Do you wonder about the what ifs?

Have you tried to see how one option “feels” over the other?

State the option out loud for example: I work at Company A. 

How do you feel about working for Company A? Look deep into your heart and your gut. How does this feel? Repeat the process with the other options and see if there’s a difference. Go with the one that feels the best. Trust your emotions!

Your EGS can be used in any situation and won’t ever steer you wrong. If you’re looking for the next step, try this and see how it goes. As you make choices that make you feel good, more good and happiness will manifest in your life. Dwell in the positive, not the negative and your life will only continue to improve. 

Remember that life will continue to throw stuff at us constantly. Our power is how we react. We are always in control. 

Positive Change

Published April 30, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

What a great card for Saturday morning!

The card of the day is positive change. As you know from following me on Twitter, I’ve really been focusing hard on changing my life. I’m pursuing a career as a psychic, and I’m trying to embrace this new side of myself.

I’m stepping outside of my comfort zone a lot. This card really reminds us that sometimes in order to make the changes that we want to see in our lives, we have to step outside of that comfort zone and do things that scare us. 

Sometimes we have to step outside of the conventional without having the fear of the judgements of others, and I think that’s where a lot of us (especially myself) get stuck. 

Tonight, I’m doing my first paid reading! I’m really excited! And I’m a little bit nervous, because the person that I’m doing this reading for is my own mentor. 

I feel safe and taking the step with her. One, because I’m lucky enough to have a mentor who I trust and respect immensely. Two, because I feel safe with this person.

I know that we’re going to have a lot of fun playing with energy, and I’m really looking forward to it.

I also ordered my business cards this week, which was a big step for me. I should have them next week and I can start distributing them in local coffee shops and hopefully I’ll start to build a small base of clients. It’ll be nice to be able to supplement my income doing something that I’m passionate about.

I think when we are setting goals it’s important not to only look at the end goal, but to examine the small steps that we need to take in order to get there. Some of those small steps can be outside of our comfort zones and it is so important that to make real change we step out of those comfort zones. 

I read something the other day that said the comfort zone is a great is not a very great place to live. If you never leave your comfort zone you never try anything new. 

So I hope you’ll join me today and trying something new! I’m busting out of that comfort zone. 

Drive towards your goals. I know you can do it! I believe in you! 

Stay positive and focussed and you can accomplish anything.

Remember: You’re in the Driver’s Seat!

Published April 15, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

I’ve written a couple of tweets the last couple of days comparing spirituality to driving. The concepts are the same.

Blog stuff driving tweet1

When you’re learning how to drive, as overwhelmed and scared as you are to look beyond your bumper, your instructor will tell you over and over again that you need to look where you want to go and you will get there. I was reminiscing upon learning to drive the other day on my drive to work, and what a miraculous thing driving can be.

The same is true about spirituality and spiritual living. Some people will tell you that it’s not about the destination, the journey is the important part. I think that both are equally important, because without goals, you are just driving. You’re not living, but existing. Driving along aimlessly with no destination.

When you have a goal (it doesn’t have to be something concrete, it can be abstract) you are looking in the right direction. If I want to be a speaker and a life coach, what steps do I need to follow? Maybe I should start driving my life in that direction by taking the appropriate steps to get there.

You have the power and you make the choices. I’m starting to feel a bit like a broken record, because I say it so often:

You are the author of your own story. The voice of the narrator is your voice, and only you are capable of writing the words. The pen is in your hand.

A lot of people become a victim of their own circumstance. I’m not blaming them or pointing fingers, but merely making an observation. For example, because I have (insert disease here), I can’t…

Do not let a disease define you! You are not the disease, and you are the one who is in the drivers seat of your life.

I have trouble connecting with people because my parents didn’t raise me properly. I was unloved, I wasn’t good in school… excuses!

Not all parents or life circumstances are great. I get that. I understand why there are people who feel like they are maladjusted to society, but it’s time to stop blaming others and put the onus on ourselves to live and drive our own lives. How empowering is that?!

I am in control. I make the choices. I manifest the life I want and everything that is in my life now is in my life because I manifested it. I focused on those thoughts. Now that I understand that is how this works, I’m going to make a conscious choice to change my thoughts and bring the things I want into my life. I’m going to better my situation and my outlook simply by sitting here today and making the choice that what I currently have is not what I want and not what I deserve as an eternal, divine being.

Isn’t that powerful? You don’t have to read a kabillion self help books, you don’t have to pay a bunch of money for people to give you canned advice. You have the power and the answers within, and that’s pretty amazing, don’t you think?


Inspiring yourself

Published November 30, 2015 by Metaphysicalmusings


One reason that I love running is that it clears my mind. 

There’s nothing but me, my music, and the rhythm of my feet on the pavement. The pavement and the treadmill are great listeners and the feeling I get afterward is amazing. 

But the best part of running?

That’s got to be always reinforcing that I am capable of anything. If you had told me two years ago, or even two years ago that I would be running 5 and 10k races, I would have laughed and bet you that you were wrong. 

Do you know what I did last week?

I signed up doe my first half. Marathon!  I’m excited and nervous, but I think I can do it. 

My thirties have really started with a bang. I grew a little person, I became a mother, I started running, and living authentically and seeking people who live authentically too. 

I actually told someone in public the other day that I was an intuitive channel. Quite confidently, I might add. 

I’m really coming into my own, and that inspires me. 

What do you do that inspires you?

Taking time for oneself (and not feeling guilty about it)

Published November 11, 2015 by Metaphysicalmusings

Here I am. It’s been a while. Things have been busy. As all of us are wont to do from time to time, I get wrapped up in the busy-ness of it all. A young son, working full time, trying to keep up simply with the demands of life without consciously trying to be busy!

Do you ever feel like you have so many balls in the air that you’re juggling, if you stop too long to look at one, they’ll all drop? I’ve been feeling that way lately. I’ve been running a lot. I had a goal of running a 10K race at the end of October. Turns out, I was able to run a 10K about 4 weeks ahead of time, and even though I ended up baling on the race, I’ve kept running the 10K weekly, so I’ve taken my mileage up from 15 to 25 km per week. I got off of the treadmill tonight, and I said to myself, “Self, I’m really proud of you.”

How often do we tell ourselves that we are proud of ourselves? I was reflecting on this idea as I was running tonight and all of our self talk (well, at least mine) is so negative. Have you seen that commercial (I think it’s for Special K), which talks about every woman having an “I hate my body” moment at least once a day? I’m not a fan of the commercial, since it’s telling me that I’ll feel better if I eat Special K, but it gets points for making me think.

I’m glad and proud that I take the time for myself and my body. Running is meditative for me, and I’ve recently started practicing meditation again. I felt like one of the balls being consistently dropped in my life lately is my spirituality and my spiritual practices, one of these being this blog. I really enjoy sharing my Metaphysical Musings with everyone who arrives upon them either by knowledge or by happenstance, and I want to be here with you more often. Through exercise, through meditation and through writing, I am me, and in the hubbub and cacophony (I love that word, cacophony) of every day life, I need to remember who I am, or I’ll get lost in the noise.

As Deepak Chopra says, “In the silence, I will find myself.”

And, I’m not going to feel guilty about it.

Join me, won’t you?

Join me on a Journey – Think and Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill

Published July 15, 2015 by Metaphysicalmusings

Well, look who it is… me!

I know, it’s been a while since I’ve been around here, and I apologize but things have been slightly cray cray. You know, working full time, having a two year old (next week – how time flies), trying to go to school and oh yeah, trying to have a social life. Does talking non stop to an almost-two-year-old count as a social life?

Anyways, I did a re-evaluation of how I was spending my time and how I wanted to be spending my time and decided to drop the course I was taking so I could come back here and blog a bit more often and read for pleasure!

Nice segue, right?

My book club is taking a break for the summer, which makes me sad. Who will I talk about books with? How about YOU?

I don’t know if you are interested in reading along, but if you are, I’m reading Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill. I just finished the first chapter. I thought I’d read a chapter, then discuss it here.

“Psychologists have correctly said that when one is truly ready for a thing, it puts in its appearance.” – Napoleon Hill.

I seem to have found another book on manifesting! There are many. The first principle of 13 that Hill discusses is Desire, mainly Burning Desires and tells a story of a man called Edwin Barnes whose dream is to work with Thomas Edison. By keeping that goal as a Burning Desire and believing that he will be an associate of Edison with every fibre of his being, he creates the experience as he actually goes to work with Edison on a project.

“Barnes was ready for a business association with Edison, moreover, he was DETERMINED TO REMAIN READY UNTIL HE GOT THAT WHICH HE WAS SEEKING”

Aha. I’ve read it in a lot of books on manifestation and thinking in terms of abundance rather than thinking in terms of lack. Rather than wishing you had the object of your desire (conveys lack – which perpetuates lack), you think as if you were in possession of that which you desire.

So in order to become rich, we must think as if we are rich already.

“Barnes succeeded because he chose a definite goal, and placed all of his energy, all of his willpower, all his effort, everything behind that goal.”

Hill suggests that we set our goal, whatever it may be, and make a clear statement of what we want. We also must state what we will do to achieve this goal, since we can’t have something for nothing. The last piece of the puzzle is setting a timeline. When will you have the thing you most desire?

This is where I run into a snag. I have such a hard time narrowing down what I want. I’m content with what is. Maybe that keeps me stuck in the same place.

Mine is a huge goal but here goes nothing:

I will write a book by September of 2016. I will blog often and keep writing and researching to keep my creative juices flowing. By writing this blog, it will bring someone to help me with my dreams of publishing my own spiritual book.

Okay, you hear me Hay House!?

What’s your goal?

This is the next part where I get hung up. Writing a book is such a large undertaking, and while I have lots to say, it’s difficult to believe that if I do write a book that I will successfully shop it to a publisher.

Here’s a good quote from the book:

“Success comes to those who become success conscious. Failure comes to those who indifferently allow themselves to become failure conscious.” – Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich.

Let’s become success focused together, shall we?

Conscious Running II

Published December 16, 2014 by Metaphysicalmusings

It feels so great when you can do something you love, while at the same time helping others.

I completed my first “real” 5km race on December 6 and was able to donate $300 to the local branch of the Salvation Army. I was feeling pretty good physically as well as spiritually.

Knowledge without action doesn’t help anything. You can commiserate all day long about how something is rife with injustice, or how terrible something is, but we always seem to pass the buck. It’s never “our” problem. It’s a politician’s fault or just a hapless circumstance in the world.

As a whole, these problems are all of our problems. What are you doing today to be a part of the solution?