
All posts tagged #thinkandgrowrich

Think and Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill – Chapter 3

Published August 4, 2015 by Metaphysicalmusings

It’s been a while since I posted about my progress with Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill. I have had a hard time getting into it.

Chapter 3 is about faith. In order to manifest the things which you most desire, you need to have unwavering faith that you are manifesting that which is your ultimate desire.

image credit: http://www.yousteps.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Napoleon-Hill-Faith.jpg

I found drawing the picture of my book cover last week so empowering. Last night I was writing an entry in the journal beside my bed and I was picturing myself in a hotel room on a book tour. I wrote about how my book has taken off and we had just moved into a larger house thanks to an advance from my publisher. How I was so happy and grateful for this experience and that I felt like I was finally doing something in line with my life’s purpose. I was spreading joy and comfort to the world through things I had channelled.

This morning I couldn’t shake the feeling that something had shifted for me. I’m going to make a point of writing more of those types of entries in my journal because it feels good to imagine myself in that place.

Here’s the rub about manifesting things into your life. Napoleon Hill states a lot that in order to manifest something, you need to live your life as if you are already in possession of that which you desire. This is where a lot of people seem to give up in my opinion. Myself included. Eventually I get frustrated and begin to think the process is silly and that there’s no way I can manifest something so magnificent out of thin air and thought.

I was watching The Secret on Netflix the other day and one of the people in the movie said something about this subject. That you can focus and focus on something, and it can just be about to manifest, and then you decide you don’t believe it can happen and poof! It’s gone.

The other pitfall I think a lot of people get caught up in is similar to not being able to see the forest from the trees. For manifestation to work, they say that you have to focus on the object you desire, but I think that sometimes we focus too heavily and inadvertently begin to convey an attitude of lack. “When I have this, this will happen.” When you live as if you have something, you don’t wander around thinking about what would happen when you have it.

I saw this on the internet today and I thought it would be good for this post.

When you can’t see the forest for the trees, go for a walk in the forest.

Let go of that one tree and head out into the forest; the Field of Possibilities.

I think by exploring the different possibilities in my journal entries and flexing my creative muscles, I’m strengthening my intention and putting my goals out more strongly to the universe. The stronger that intention goes out, the more quickly the intention will manifest.

Join me on a Journey – Think and Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill

Published July 15, 2015 by Metaphysicalmusings

Well, look who it is… me!

I know, it’s been a while since I’ve been around here, and I apologize but things have been slightly cray cray. You know, working full time, having a two year old (next week – how time flies), trying to go to school and oh yeah, trying to have a social life. Does talking non stop to an almost-two-year-old count as a social life?

Anyways, I did a re-evaluation of how I was spending my time and how I wanted to be spending my time and decided to drop the course I was taking so I could come back here and blog a bit more often and read for pleasure!

Nice segue, right?

My book club is taking a break for the summer, which makes me sad. Who will I talk about books with? How about YOU?

I don’t know if you are interested in reading along, but if you are, I’m reading Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill. I just finished the first chapter. I thought I’d read a chapter, then discuss it here.

“Psychologists have correctly said that when one is truly ready for a thing, it puts in its appearance.” – Napoleon Hill.

I seem to have found another book on manifesting! There are many. The first principle of 13 that Hill discusses is Desire, mainly Burning Desires and tells a story of a man called Edwin Barnes whose dream is to work with Thomas Edison. By keeping that goal as a Burning Desire and believing that he will be an associate of Edison with every fibre of his being, he creates the experience as he actually goes to work with Edison on a project.

“Barnes was ready for a business association with Edison, moreover, he was DETERMINED TO REMAIN READY UNTIL HE GOT THAT WHICH HE WAS SEEKING”

Aha. I’ve read it in a lot of books on manifestation and thinking in terms of abundance rather than thinking in terms of lack. Rather than wishing you had the object of your desire (conveys lack – which perpetuates lack), you think as if you were in possession of that which you desire.

So in order to become rich, we must think as if we are rich already.

“Barnes succeeded because he chose a definite goal, and placed all of his energy, all of his willpower, all his effort, everything behind that goal.”

Hill suggests that we set our goal, whatever it may be, and make a clear statement of what we want. We also must state what we will do to achieve this goal, since we can’t have something for nothing. The last piece of the puzzle is setting a timeline. When will you have the thing you most desire?

This is where I run into a snag. I have such a hard time narrowing down what I want. I’m content with what is. Maybe that keeps me stuck in the same place.

Mine is a huge goal but here goes nothing:

I will write a book by September of 2016. I will blog often and keep writing and researching to keep my creative juices flowing. By writing this blog, it will bring someone to help me with my dreams of publishing my own spiritual book.

Okay, you hear me Hay House!?

What’s your goal?

This is the next part where I get hung up. Writing a book is such a large undertaking, and while I have lots to say, it’s difficult to believe that if I do write a book that I will successfully shop it to a publisher.

Here’s a good quote from the book:

“Success comes to those who become success conscious. Failure comes to those who indifferently allow themselves to become failure conscious.” – Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich.

Let’s become success focused together, shall we?