
All posts tagged #goalsetting

Positive Change

Published April 30, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

What a great card for Saturday morning!

The card of the day is positive change. As you know from following me on Twitter, I’ve really been focusing hard on changing my life. I’m pursuing a career as a psychic, and I’m trying to embrace this new side of myself.

I’m stepping outside of my comfort zone a lot. This card really reminds us that sometimes in order to make the changes that we want to see in our lives, we have to step outside of that comfort zone and do things that scare us. 

Sometimes we have to step outside of the conventional without having the fear of the judgements of others, and I think that’s where a lot of us (especially myself) get stuck. 

Tonight, I’m doing my first paid reading! I’m really excited! And I’m a little bit nervous, because the person that I’m doing this reading for is my own mentor. 

I feel safe and taking the step with her. One, because I’m lucky enough to have a mentor who I trust and respect immensely. Two, because I feel safe with this person.

I know that we’re going to have a lot of fun playing with energy, and I’m really looking forward to it.

I also ordered my business cards this week, which was a big step for me. I should have them next week and I can start distributing them in local coffee shops and hopefully I’ll start to build a small base of clients. It’ll be nice to be able to supplement my income doing something that I’m passionate about.

I think when we are setting goals it’s important not to only look at the end goal, but to examine the small steps that we need to take in order to get there. Some of those small steps can be outside of our comfort zones and it is so important that to make real change we step out of those comfort zones. 

I read something the other day that said the comfort zone is a great is not a very great place to live. If you never leave your comfort zone you never try anything new. 

So I hope you’ll join me today and trying something new! I’m busting out of that comfort zone. 

Drive towards your goals. I know you can do it! I believe in you! 

Stay positive and focussed and you can accomplish anything.

Remember: You’re in the Driver’s Seat!

Published April 15, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

I’ve written a couple of tweets the last couple of days comparing spirituality to driving. The concepts are the same.

Blog stuff driving tweet1

When you’re learning how to drive, as overwhelmed and scared as you are to look beyond your bumper, your instructor will tell you over and over again that you need to look where you want to go and you will get there. I was reminiscing upon learning to drive the other day on my drive to work, and what a miraculous thing driving can be.

The same is true about spirituality and spiritual living. Some people will tell you that it’s not about the destination, the journey is the important part. I think that both are equally important, because without goals, you are just driving. You’re not living, but existing. Driving along aimlessly with no destination.

When you have a goal (it doesn’t have to be something concrete, it can be abstract) you are looking in the right direction. If I want to be a speaker and a life coach, what steps do I need to follow? Maybe I should start driving my life in that direction by taking the appropriate steps to get there.

You have the power and you make the choices. I’m starting to feel a bit like a broken record, because I say it so often:

You are the author of your own story. The voice of the narrator is your voice, and only you are capable of writing the words. The pen is in your hand.

A lot of people become a victim of their own circumstance. I’m not blaming them or pointing fingers, but merely making an observation. For example, because I have (insert disease here), I can’t…

Do not let a disease define you! You are not the disease, and you are the one who is in the drivers seat of your life.

I have trouble connecting with people because my parents didn’t raise me properly. I was unloved, I wasn’t good in school… excuses!

Not all parents or life circumstances are great. I get that. I understand why there are people who feel like they are maladjusted to society, but it’s time to stop blaming others and put the onus on ourselves to live and drive our own lives. How empowering is that?!

I am in control. I make the choices. I manifest the life I want and everything that is in my life now is in my life because I manifested it. I focused on those thoughts. Now that I understand that is how this works, I’m going to make a conscious choice to change my thoughts and bring the things I want into my life. I’m going to better my situation and my outlook simply by sitting here today and making the choice that what I currently have is not what I want and not what I deserve as an eternal, divine being.

Isn’t that powerful? You don’t have to read a kabillion self help books, you don’t have to pay a bunch of money for people to give you canned advice. You have the power and the answers within, and that’s pretty amazing, don’t you think?


When it’s hard to accept yourself as a co-creator

Published March 30, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

"Rock, Hard Place" Road Sign with dramatic clouds and sky.


You might be in a bad place right now. You might feel stuck or depressed or like nothing is going your way.

You might read my blog or my Twitter feed (@talking2spirits) and think, “Okay, Captain Rainbow, put down the drugs and look at reality. If I am the co-creator of my existence, and my life experience, why would I create THIS!?

(Just sayin’. I’ve never touched a drug in my life, other than those prescribed by a reputable licensed physician).

The good news is, you can become unstuck, and you can do so by starting small. To quote a cliché, Rome wasn’t built in a day. I have been mulling this post over in my head the last couple of days and I was thinking about when I was learning to run. I like to run long distances now, but if you had told me two years ago I would run a half marathon, I would have laughed in your face, loudly, and continued to guffaw all the way home. Me, running a half marathon.. hahaha!

But you know what? I started small. I started with a couch to 5K app that I downloaded off iTunes, and little by little, I built myself up to a 5K, then a 10K, then a 21K! The same can be done with your mindset.

Maybe nothing is going right. Have you looked at the way you are thinking or listened to your inner dialogue? Are your thoughts negative like mine were about running?

If all you have are negative thoughts, start small. Start with one good thought a day if that works, move it up to a goal of two good thoughts a day, or one good thought an hour. As you start to think more good and positive thoughts, more good and positive things will begin to appear in your life.  I guarantee it. You may not turn things around in a matter of hours or days, but you should start to notice a difference.

The thoughts you think are a choice, and hold power. You can choose to be anti something, which will only draw more of the thing you are against, or you can choose to be pro something, which will draw the pro something to you. This is hammered home in The Secret. I was watching it on Netflix the other night, and they were talking about this very concept. If you don’t like a politician for example, don’t be anti politician, be pro his opponent. If you are anti war, try being pro peace. Be pro-you! Give your thoughts and intentions the respect that they deserve and remember that they are what creates your reality through their vibration and the Law of Attraction.

Consider where you feel stuck and what you can change. Stuck in a job you don’t like? Ask the universe for change. Start looking around and you’ll find something. Stuck in a relationship? Why are you in that relationship? Does it bring you anything or serve you in any way? If not, it’s time to move on, and maybe you need to do a little bit of soul work before letting that relationship go.

The easiest place to start is to incorporate some positive thinking into your daily life. Remember, you are awesome, eternal and divine. You deserve the best life has to offer!

Think and Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill – Chapter 3

Published August 4, 2015 by Metaphysicalmusings

It’s been a while since I posted about my progress with Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill. I have had a hard time getting into it.

Chapter 3 is about faith. In order to manifest the things which you most desire, you need to have unwavering faith that you are manifesting that which is your ultimate desire.

image credit: http://www.yousteps.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Napoleon-Hill-Faith.jpg

I found drawing the picture of my book cover last week so empowering. Last night I was writing an entry in the journal beside my bed and I was picturing myself in a hotel room on a book tour. I wrote about how my book has taken off and we had just moved into a larger house thanks to an advance from my publisher. How I was so happy and grateful for this experience and that I felt like I was finally doing something in line with my life’s purpose. I was spreading joy and comfort to the world through things I had channelled.

This morning I couldn’t shake the feeling that something had shifted for me. I’m going to make a point of writing more of those types of entries in my journal because it feels good to imagine myself in that place.

Here’s the rub about manifesting things into your life. Napoleon Hill states a lot that in order to manifest something, you need to live your life as if you are already in possession of that which you desire. This is where a lot of people seem to give up in my opinion. Myself included. Eventually I get frustrated and begin to think the process is silly and that there’s no way I can manifest something so magnificent out of thin air and thought.

I was watching The Secret on Netflix the other day and one of the people in the movie said something about this subject. That you can focus and focus on something, and it can just be about to manifest, and then you decide you don’t believe it can happen and poof! It’s gone.

The other pitfall I think a lot of people get caught up in is similar to not being able to see the forest from the trees. For manifestation to work, they say that you have to focus on the object you desire, but I think that sometimes we focus too heavily and inadvertently begin to convey an attitude of lack. “When I have this, this will happen.” When you live as if you have something, you don’t wander around thinking about what would happen when you have it.

I saw this on the internet today and I thought it would be good for this post.

When you can’t see the forest for the trees, go for a walk in the forest.

Let go of that one tree and head out into the forest; the Field of Possibilities.

I think by exploring the different possibilities in my journal entries and flexing my creative muscles, I’m strengthening my intention and putting my goals out more strongly to the universe. The stronger that intention goes out, the more quickly the intention will manifest.

Join me on a Journey – Think and Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill

Published July 15, 2015 by Metaphysicalmusings

Well, look who it is… me!

I know, it’s been a while since I’ve been around here, and I apologize but things have been slightly cray cray. You know, working full time, having a two year old (next week – how time flies), trying to go to school and oh yeah, trying to have a social life. Does talking non stop to an almost-two-year-old count as a social life?

Anyways, I did a re-evaluation of how I was spending my time and how I wanted to be spending my time and decided to drop the course I was taking so I could come back here and blog a bit more often and read for pleasure!

Nice segue, right?

My book club is taking a break for the summer, which makes me sad. Who will I talk about books with? How about YOU?

I don’t know if you are interested in reading along, but if you are, I’m reading Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill. I just finished the first chapter. I thought I’d read a chapter, then discuss it here.

“Psychologists have correctly said that when one is truly ready for a thing, it puts in its appearance.” – Napoleon Hill.

I seem to have found another book on manifesting! There are many. The first principle of 13 that Hill discusses is Desire, mainly Burning Desires and tells a story of a man called Edwin Barnes whose dream is to work with Thomas Edison. By keeping that goal as a Burning Desire and believing that he will be an associate of Edison with every fibre of his being, he creates the experience as he actually goes to work with Edison on a project.

“Barnes was ready for a business association with Edison, moreover, he was DETERMINED TO REMAIN READY UNTIL HE GOT THAT WHICH HE WAS SEEKING”

Aha. I’ve read it in a lot of books on manifestation and thinking in terms of abundance rather than thinking in terms of lack. Rather than wishing you had the object of your desire (conveys lack – which perpetuates lack), you think as if you were in possession of that which you desire.

So in order to become rich, we must think as if we are rich already.

“Barnes succeeded because he chose a definite goal, and placed all of his energy, all of his willpower, all his effort, everything behind that goal.”

Hill suggests that we set our goal, whatever it may be, and make a clear statement of what we want. We also must state what we will do to achieve this goal, since we can’t have something for nothing. The last piece of the puzzle is setting a timeline. When will you have the thing you most desire?

This is where I run into a snag. I have such a hard time narrowing down what I want. I’m content with what is. Maybe that keeps me stuck in the same place.

Mine is a huge goal but here goes nothing:

I will write a book by September of 2016. I will blog often and keep writing and researching to keep my creative juices flowing. By writing this blog, it will bring someone to help me with my dreams of publishing my own spiritual book.

Okay, you hear me Hay House!?

What’s your goal?

This is the next part where I get hung up. Writing a book is such a large undertaking, and while I have lots to say, it’s difficult to believe that if I do write a book that I will successfully shop it to a publisher.

Here’s a good quote from the book:

“Success comes to those who become success conscious. Failure comes to those who indifferently allow themselves to become failure conscious.” – Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich.

Let’s become success focused together, shall we?

You are meant for greatness

Published May 7, 2015 by Metaphysicalmusings

Lately I’ve been reading The Science of Living According to Wallace D. Wattles. Our book club selection this month was The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles (hooray! I’m actually getting through a book club book!).

The Science of Living According to Wallace D. Wattles includes three essays Mr. Wattles wrote: The Science of Getting Rich, The Science of Being Great, and The Science of Being Well. They are all relatively short, easy reads, with easy principles to follow to attain wealth, greatness and health, simply by manifesting them into being, and living life in a Certain Way, as he describes it.

I’m in the middle of The Science of Being Great and I grabbed a couple of quotes from it that I liked while I was eating lunch and reading it today.

…everyone will be something worthwhile, something rare, something perfect.

Everyone. You and me, and that random guy you passed in the coffee shop, or the girl you waved into traffic. Even the most destitute, the most outcast is worthwhile. Think about that for a second. Does that change the way that you perceive your fellow man and the people who surround you every day in your day to day activities? In The Science of Getting Rich, Wattles implores the reader to abandon the thought of competition and the pursuit of dominion and control over others. We are all here for the same thing. To learn the lessons we are to learn and to thrive. To manifest our destinies, and achieve all that we desire. That’s pretty powerful stuff.

Wisdom is the essential basis of greatness. All that is and all that has been are present in the intelligence that is wrapped about us and enfolds us and presses upon us from every side

Wattles discusses the collective consciousness and the fact that all knowledge is in us already. It’s just up to us to connect to it and we can download whatever information we need. All of history and all of the collective knowledge are accessible to us.

I liked this one too, even though I’m not religious at all in the conventional sense, I thought it was a good way to put the ideas into the biblical framework, because tons of people believe in the bible and the fundamentals of Christianity. Yet another book where I see the parallels between the things I believe and the things that conventional Christianity teaches as well.

This was the foundation of his (Jesus’) knowledge and power. He showed people the necessity of becoming spiritually awakened; of hearing His voice (the Father) and becoming like him. He compared the unthinking man who is the prey and sport of circumstances to the dead man in a tomb, and besought him to hear and come forth

You need to get plugged in and switched on to the collective consciousness. We need to learn, to read, to grow and to think in order to evolve. Whether you believe you are tuning into the voice of God, or the Universe, or whoever is controlling this whole thing we call life. There is spiritual support around every corner.

This also ties into the Allegory of the Cave that I often like to reference. The Allegory of the Cave was written by Plato, and it’s very interesting. It essentially tells the story of a group of men who are kept inside a cave. The people who are controlling everything in society are projecting shadows onto the walls of the cave, while the men watch, and think that the images being projected in front of them are the real world. Eventually, men become enlightened to the fact that there is a world outside the cave (that’s my Cole’s Notes version). Google it if you have time. The Allegory of the Cave is pretty neat. It’s stuck with me since the first time I read it in my first year of college when I took a metaphysics course.

Anyways, I just thought the quotes were cool and wanted to share them with you. 🙂

Be happy now

Published January 14, 2015 by Metaphysicalmusings

If you think of the quantum moments in your life where linear time merges with spiritual time, what are they?

I find that they are often associated with traumatic events. A few of mine are when Princess Diana was killed, when the World Trade Centre was attacked and the death of my grandmother. You remember where you were, what you were wearing, what time it was etc.

They can be associated with positive events too. Some positive ones for me are my wedding, the birth of my son, and getting my first job.

I am going somewhere with this!

With all the reading and practice I have been putting into being more mindful, it is the moments that make up our lives.

I think those quantum moments are the ones where we are truly and fully present, and I think that’s why they are often traumatic experiences. It takes that much effort to take our attention off of all the other things we are thinking about.

The present moment is the only time we are truly free. When we regret and lament the past, we are living in the past and missing what is right in front of us. Why lament upon the past? It is over. Can further action be taken now to improve the situation? If so, great. Take that action fully in the present and release the past. Living in fear or worry about the future is also living in the past, because worry essentially is projecting your fears around what happened in the past onto situations that have not yet occurred.

Take me for example. I’m a thorough person and I have always been a life planner, which for many years has kept me stuck in a trap of anxiety and worry. You can plan and strive until the cows come home, but you will miss what’s going on in front of you when you decide that you’ll be happy when you reach a goal, gain a material possession, get a promotion, make more money etc.


Do what makes you happy now in this moment. In the last year I have learned that a moment can change your entire life, with my Dad’s cancer diagnosis. It’s sad that it took something like that for me to really appreciate that he won’t be here forever.

Set goals wisely. Play with your children. Hug your family members and friends. Be happy now. The rest will come together on its own.