
All posts tagged #deniselinn

Reach for the skies! You are supported and leading the way for others

Published November 18, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

Here is the card of the day spread for November 18, 2016. 

The first card is Grandfather Sky. This is a time of expansion, so reach for the stars! Energy, vitality, health, healing and passion are expanding in your life now. Be prepared to soar to new heights in the spiritual and the physical. Don’t hold back and repress what you feel at this time since that will drain your energy. Live up to your own standards and expectations, not the standards and expectations of others. By allowing your emotions and needs to be fully expressed, your energy will expand. 

The second card is Gathering Your Tribe. Your vibe attracts your tribe. Spend time with people who inspire and empower you. Stay away from detractors and spend time with people who build you up and support you. Support in all forms is flowing to you. Communicate from your heart. It’s safe to speak your truth. This is a time to put your needs ahead of the needs of others. 

The final card is Elder. This card symbolizes confidence and entering your power. Let your truth be heard and felt by others. Stand up against any injustice today. You are a beacon for others and you make the path clear for those who follow along behind you. This card is about being a leader and teacher in every sense of the word. You are making a difference in many other journeys!

Stand up for your beliefs, reflect and don’t be afraid to seek answers within

Published November 17, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

Here is the card of the day spread for Thursday, November 17. 

The first card is Thunder Drum. This is the time to be assertive in your beliefs. Stand up for what you stand for. Take risks and step forward. Now is not the time to step back or step aside. You are comfortable in your own skin. Share that with the world!

The second card is Medicine Bag. That is kind of contradictory to the first card since it is about a quiet gathering of your personal power and allowing it to really grow within you during a time of reflection. Medicine bags are traditionally filled with talismans that unlock the wearer’s personal power. 

The third card is Ancestors. Know that divine help and guidance are available to you at all times. Wisdom is blossoming in you now. Cherish all experiences for they will deepen your wisdom, compassion and understanding. The memories of your ancestors are printed upon your soul. Sometimes the answers and the wisdom come from within. 

Gather your power, purify your home and intentions and live authentically!

Published November 15, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

Here is the card of the day spread for Tuesday, November 15. 

The first card is Medicine Bag. How’s your self care? This is a time for quietly gathering your resources and allowing your inner power to grow. You are protected from any negative outside influences. It’s not a day for hasty decisions. If it doesn’t feel right, sit with it for a while. In aboriginal First Nations cultures, the medicine bag is filled with sacred objects to protect the wearer and enhance your access to your personal power. What talismans are in your bag? Protect your personal power. It’s is your roots that travel deep into the earth to keep you upright in any storm. 

The next card is Smudging Ceremony.  It’s time to release the things that no longer serve you. Deck utter. Clear your space literally and spiritually. As you walk through your home from room to room ask that any energies that no longer serve you are set free and returned to the earth where they may be made into new things. “Wash” the sage smoke over your head saying, “that I may think clearly”, then over your eyes saying, “that I may see clearly”. Lastly, wash the smoke over your throat chakra and say, “that I may speak the truth”. Notice how you feel after this practice. Purify your home, thoughts and intentions. 

The last card is Answering the call. You are becoming who you are. Your life is shifting so you are in line with your purpose. You are living authentically. Messages, love and healing are flowing to you. You are an effective channel for spirit. Sometimes we spend so much time waiting for joy to happen that we miss the moment. Be present and seek joy around every corner. It’s yours for the taking and there’s enough for everyone. 

Have a great Tuesday!

You are a powerful, grounded channel for spirit. New horizons await!

Published November 12, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

Here is the card of the day for November 12. 

The first card is Ancient Forest. This card reminds you that you are so much more than you realize. You are grounded in the earth and your roots go deep. Radiant, healing strength is growing within you and is always available to you. Inner power is found through contemplation, reflection and meditation. Sometimes it can also come through growth and change or surviving and conquering painful situations. Your roots run deep and you are strong, whole and protected. 

The next card is Dream Traveller. Trust your intuition and hunches. You are a channel for spirit and you are on the right path now, even if it doesn’t feel like it. You are blessed and you are a blessing. There is a lot of spiritual support around you. Pay attention to your dreams. Keep a journal of your dream journeys. Often in our dreams we are doing internal work or work on the other side. 

The last card is Song of the Wild. New horizons await and you are ready for new experiences. Step out of your comfort zone and live passionately. Expand beyond your own limitations. It’s a good time to take a trip or try something new. This is a time of expansion. Though adventure takes risk, life can become stagnant and dull without it. If you don’t get outside of your comfort zone, you’ll never see the wonderful world that exists outside it. 

Through love expansion will occur!

Published November 11, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

Here is the card of the day for Friday, November 11. 

The first card is Prayer Feather. Love is flowing to you and through you. This card reminds us that no matter how someone else behaves, we should gather our forces and send love, silently and deeply to this person. It’s easy to love someone when they are behaving properly, the challenge is to live them even when they aren’t. Remember that the love you send out comes back to you a hundred fold. Challenge yourself to treat each person you meet today with love. Realize that they are just like you and see the common ground. 

The next card is Grandfather Sky. Reach for the sky! This is a time of expansion, vitality, health, healing and passion. Your intuition and healing abilities are especially powerful today. Be sure that you are expressing what you feel during this time when you hold back, and try to meet everyone’s needs, you deplete your energy. The more you allow your energy to expand, the more energy and vitality flow to you. 

The last card is Spirit of Air. Clarity and advanced perception of life are coming your way. You are encouraged to look at things from a higher perspective. Clear out the cobwebs and the mental clutter. Take care of details, speak your truth and listen to the truth of others. This card carries the energy of change and transformation, inspiration, aspiration, mental clarity, freedom, perception, communion, and communication.

Be courageous, and have faith you are guided 

Published October 18, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

Here is the card of the day for Tuesday, October 18. 

The first card is Warrior of the Heart. You have the spirit of a warrior of the light. Courage is filling you now and it is not the time to be timid. Step forward and speak your truth with conviction. Live from your heart rather than your mind. Face your boundaries and fears. Go past the limited perceptions of yourself. Through your example, people find and act on their truth. You are a light bearer for others.

The next card is Walking in Beauty. You are beautiful inside and out and you are surrounded in radiant beauty. Spend time in nature whenever you can. As you see, hear and feel beauty around you your own beauty will grow. Be nice in your self talk. Don’t put down yourself or others. Affirm beauty and adorn your personal space. 

The final card is Great Mystery. Believe you are exactly where you are meant to be and that you are guided even when you don’t think you are! You have planted your seeds. Have faith that the path will be illuminated as you walk forward. Turn any challenges over to the creator. Faith is the foundation of the ability to manifest. Patience is important in this process. Some things happen quickly and other things take some time. Have patience! Whatever recieves your attention will flourish. 

New beginnings are coming and things are falling into place!

Published October 17, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

Here is the card of the day spread for Monday, October 17, 2016. 

The first card is Spirit Keeper of the East. This is a time for new beginnings. You can see the sun rising in the card against the mountains. A fresh cycle is starting in your life and it’s time to wipe the slate clean. You get a do-over! Release the old and remember that the past does not equal the future. Set sail into new waters and do not cling to the past. You will never discover new oceans when you are afraid to lose sight of the shore. Step confidently into this new chapter. Your time has come. 

The next card is Flowing River. This card tells us that things are falling into place because we are no longer resisting the flow of life. The more we struggle and resist the flow, the more “stuck” we can become. Everything is flowing with perfect timing and grace since we are I’m that divine flow. It’s time to let go, go with the flow and enjoy where life takes you, rather than resisting or opposing it. 

The last card is Freedom Horse.  This one popped up a couple of days ago! Let your spirit fly, break free and run with wild abandon. This is a time of great joy. Get out of the rut and step beyond any self imposed boundaries or limits. Enjoy!

What a great spread for a Monday! Exciting things are coming!

Take stock, be courageous and free!

Published October 15, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

Hi everyone! Here is the card of the day spread for October 15.

The first card is Grandmother Earth. This card reminds us to stop and take stock of our lives. Assess who and where you are. Ground yourself and make your plans for the future, but don’t take action on these plans until you are ready. Your strength and power are expanding. Put down your roots and go deeper. Now is the time to plant seeds for the future. It’s also a good time to make secure financial investments.

The next card is Warrior of the Heart. You have the spirit of a warrior of the light. Courage is filling you now and it is not the time to be timid. Step forward and speak your truth with conviction. Live from your heart rather than your mind. Face your boundaries and fears. Go past the limited perceptions of yourself. Through your example, people find and act on their truth. You are a light bearer for others.

The next card is Freedom Horse. Look at that horse running free! Don’t hold back. Run free and express yourself! Go beyond predictable behaviour and get out of the rut. Don’t allow yourself to be trapped by convention or the expectations of others. Replace the phrase “I should, but I choose not to at this time.”

Select meanings for experiences that empower you. Break free of your boundaries and limitations and run around with wild abandon!

Purify and smudge for clarity

Published October 14, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

Welcome to card of the day for Friday, October 14. 

I’m using Denise Linn’s Native Spirit deck again today. Finally I’m getting a card I haven’t seen in a while. 

The first card is Sweat Lodge. This card is about cleansing of your body, mind and soul. Let go of objects and relationships that no longer serve you. Go within, meditate and give thanks. The clearer your inner and outer states become, the more effectively you will receive messages from spirit. 

The next card is Dream Traveller. The message with this card is that you are a spiritual messenger. Trust your intuition, hunches and gut reactions. This card reminds us that we are on the right path even when it doesn’t seem like it. You are supported and blessed and you are a blessing to others. Watch your dreams. Messages from the creator are being revealed to you. 

The last card is Smudging Ceremony. This card comes up a lot for me. It goes well with sweat lodge. Purify and detox. Release whatever doesn’t serve or support you in your life. Cleanse your body and your life by doing space clearing and clutter cleaning. Let go of the old to make way for the new. Eat lightly and drink a lot of fresh water. Clear your space and your auric field with sage smoke. 

Have a great Friday!

Set your sights, gather strength and forgive. 

Published October 13, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

Here is the card of the day spread for Thursday, October 13.

The first card is Shape Shifter. This card encourages us to let go of our identities and remember that we are capable of becoming anything we want to become. See the world around you with new eyes and experiment with different ways of viewing reality. If you’ve been having trouble with manifesting lately, try changing the way you are looking at the situation. Remember the words of the late and great Wayne Dyer: “when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

The next card is Medicine Bag. Gather your resources and let your inner power grow  There are times to shine for all to see and other times when you must discern who should see your true self. Do not make any hasty decisions. Ask yourself if it feels right. If it doesn’t, don’t do it. Protect the power that is blossoming within you. Allow it to grow and thrive.

The third card is Peace Pipe. This card is about healing old wounds with people and situations. Forgive yourself and others. Allow yourself to put down the burden you have been carrying. You don’t need to forgive the act, but there is power in forgiving the person.