# letgo

All posts tagged # letgo

Heal relationships with women in your life to make way for positive change!

Published October 20, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

Here is my three card spread for Thursday, October 20. 

The first card is Mother, Wife, Sister, Daughter. This card involves a significant woman in your life. The first one who comes to your mind is who it relates to. Any unhealed feelings toward this person could be blocking or slowing the manifestations of your desires, leading to imbalance. Call upon your guides to release any toxins related to female relationships in your life to fix the imbalance and restore your energy flow. 

The next card is Go Now. Have you been meaning to do something? Now is the time. Stop procrastinating. There is never a perfect time to do anything and life is short. Quit your job, leave a toxic relationship or go on a vacation. Whatever you’ve been thinking of but putting off. Now is the time!

The third card is Positive Change. Releasing the toxic energy from female relationships and leaving a situation  (the way I read the cards you are leaving a woman behind), will result in positive change. I’m not sure if the woman is a boss, friend or a relative for you, but forgiving and leaving the relationship will result in positive change in your life. This is really about leaving situations that you have outgrown. This situation can be a blessing in disguise because it forces you to make positive changes in your life. It can push you out of your comfort zone, but in that case, this is a good thing! The universe is supporting you. Let go and enjoy the ride. 

I love a clear answer! The answer is yes. 

Published October 19, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

Here is the card of the day spread for Wednesday, October 19. 

The first card is Let it go. This card reminds us to relinquish control to the universe. Struggling against the universal flow can result in frustration and blockages. When you give it to Spirit, you allow gateways of support and love to open, bringing an outcome that will exceed your expectations. Let go of any long term hurt needing forgiveness, be compassionate and gentle with yourself and trust that the universe always has your back!

The next card is Purification. Purify your motivation and intentions so that they are about service to others and are not focused on competition or fear. This could also mean literal Purification of your body by eating healthy food and drinking plenty of water. Clearing your home of any clutter or using sage smoke for an energetic cleaning may also be useful to you today. 

Adjust your life so it is in line with your beliefs. This may involve leaving relationships and situations that are disempowering and no longer serve you. 

The last card is Yes. I always love a clear answer. If you let go of the need to control and you purify your actions and intentions, everything will come up aces. All the doorways are opened and the path is clear. Keep a positive mindset for the best possible outcome. It’s a good time to make a move or a change. Keep the faith. You have tons of spiritual support for this situation!

Purify and smudge for clarity

Published October 14, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

Welcome to card of the day for Friday, October 14. 

I’m using Denise Linn’s Native Spirit deck again today. Finally I’m getting a card I haven’t seen in a while. 

The first card is Sweat Lodge. This card is about cleansing of your body, mind and soul. Let go of objects and relationships that no longer serve you. Go within, meditate and give thanks. The clearer your inner and outer states become, the more effectively you will receive messages from spirit. 

The next card is Dream Traveller. The message with this card is that you are a spiritual messenger. Trust your intuition, hunches and gut reactions. This card reminds us that we are on the right path even when it doesn’t seem like it. You are supported and blessed and you are a blessing to others. Watch your dreams. Messages from the creator are being revealed to you. 

The last card is Smudging Ceremony. This card comes up a lot for me. It goes well with sweat lodge. Purify and detox. Release whatever doesn’t serve or support you in your life. Cleanse your body and your life by doing space clearing and clutter cleaning. Let go of the old to make way for the new. Eat lightly and drink a lot of fresh water. Clear your space and your auric field with sage smoke. 

Have a great Friday!

Let go, choose peace and find the blessing in your situation

Published October 10, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

I’m late, but here is card of the day for Monday, October 10, 2016. 

The first card is Let it Go. It’s time to stop pushing for things to happen. When we push against the universal flow, it leads to frustrations and blocks. When you give the situation to spirit, you open supportive doors that will bring solutions and an outcome exceeding your expectations! Let go of struggle, anger, unforgiveness, or anything that’s undesirable. Trust that the universe is on your side.

The next card is Choose Peace. this card reminds us to choose the path of peace. As you think about various options and possible outcomes, which brings you the greatest feeling of peace in your body and mind? This is your answer. It’s always important to listen to your hearts truth and there’s always a peaceful alternative to conflict. Peacefulness will also elevate your energy and help you manifest your desires faster.

The last card is Find the Blessing in your current situation. This card reminds us that every situation offers opportunities to grow and learn. When we curse situations, or resist a situation, we block it’s energy flow and things fester and grow worse. As you recognize the blessings with in your situation, supportive and healing energy flows toward you. This card comes to you because there’s an unrecognized blessing within your current situation. It could be something that you’ve learned or gained. Recognize this blessing to accelerate the healing and manifestation that’s trying to come to you. Instead of worrying, pray and use positive affirmations. Know that everything is in divine and perfect order and that the situation is resolving itself perfectly.

Transform, allow divine guidance and let go!

Published September 23, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

The first card is Spirit of Fire. 

This card is about transformation, taking risks and facing fears, which is interesting because taking risks and facing fears came up yesterday too! You don’t always have to do things the same way because that’s how you have always done them. Your past does not equal your future! Try something new and change your routines and habits to inspire change. Fire is able to maintain life and destroy it. It represents the life force within you which is burning brightly and is ready for a change!

The second card is Great Mystery. Have you been having doubts about being divinely guided? Have you been questioning why things might not be going the way you want them to go? Believe and let your faith do the rest. Have faith that the way forward will be illuminated for you. Patience is crucial in this process. Some changes happen quickly, but others require a bit of time. You’ve planted and cared for the seeds. Trust they will grow. 

The third card is Tribal Spirit Dancer.  Let go. Say yes to life and let your spirit fly. Laugh, be brave and go beyond predictable behaviour. Sometimes life gets messy. Have fun and enjoy rather than staying inside and washing your dinner dishes. They can wait. Life can’t. Explore, expand and step into your extraordinary self. Wave those Kermit arms and enjoy life on your own terms! Leave behind the mental and spiritual clutter and let go of situations you have outgrown. Dance around your living room. This is your time to live!!

You are exactly where you need to be to manifest forgiveness

Published August 23, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

Here is the three card spread for today. 

The first card is Great Mystery. This card is reminding us to have faith that we are exactly where we are meant to be at this time. We have planted seeds and now must trust that whatever we are manifesting is on its way to us. We have to have faith and trust in our own power to create our reality. If you can’t see the path now, have faith that each step will be illuminated as you move forward. Remember, if you planted seeds you wouldn’t immediately run outside and yell at them for not becoming fruit yet. Now is the time to maintain faith and patience. Whatever receives your care and attention will thrive and come to be. Watch where you place your attention. 

Spirit of Water ties in nicely here. This card is about trusting your intuition and embracing your inner child. Believe in your dreams. You are capable of anything. The world really is your oyster. Think of the things you could do in your life without your own self imposed barriers. The sky is the limit. What draws you? What is your passion? Define this and go in that direction. Water goes anywhere it wants, even through rock. Trust you will find the path. This is a card of extreme emotional healing. Trust the messages your emotions are giving you. Trust any hunches you have. Cleanse yourself and purify your space with water. Enter the flow of life. All is well. 

Peace Pipe is about healing  and forgiveness of yourself and others. Help others mend bridges in their life. You are not meant to carry any burdens, so forgive and free yourself. Do whatever you need to in order to make amends. You do not have to forgive the act, but you can forgive the person involved. Maybe there is a person in your life with whom you need to reconnect. Now is the time. You know what you need to do. 

Today’s spread really makes me feel forgiveness. Maybe you are struggling with something you are having trouble dealing with and you don’t understand why you aren’t over it. Have faith in where you are at in the process. Take steps toward healing. Even if you don’t know what to say, or how to forgive, trust that the path will be illuminated. Be gentle with yourself, purify and forgive yourself. This is no longer a burden for you to carry. Remember that the only one in control of how you react to situations is you, and you can make the choice to put down the load and release it. Forgiveness really is a gift you give yourself. 

Have a wonderful Tuesday!

An Illustration of Universal Support

Published July 28, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

I was out at this lake today, splashing around in the shallows with my son. Eventually, he got cold and tired and went in to shore to sit on our blanket and have a little snack. 

I went swimming out to the floating boundary where I couldn’t touch the bottom of the lake. I lay back and floated looking up at the sky, surrendering and allowing the water to support me. Feeling my lungs filling with air and the support of the water around my floating body, I thought “gee, this is a good illustration of universal support.”

I’m always thinking about blog posts, see? 😉

The first thing you are taught in swimming lessons is how to float. If you thrash and struggle, you sink. You have to stay calm, breathe and allow the water to support you. Good advice for the support of the universe as well. 

The more you struggle and resist, the more trapped you will become. Put out your arms and legs, breathe and trust in the divine support of the universe. The universe is always there to support you. Don’t worry. Relax. Put the intention out there, release the how and float along with the knowledge that you have the universe backing you up. 

The universe is your homeboy or homegirl. Lol! Feel it surround you in unconditional love and allow it to propel you toward your most burning desires. 


When people don’t do what you want them to do…

Published July 21, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

17638875f7859f6131338e86718c3c16One question that I am asked often is about other people and whether they will see the error in their ways and change a situation.

There’s one thing that’s a pain in the butt about manifesting, and that is that the only life you can manifest things into is your own. You can hope and pray and send good intentions to others and hope that they see the perceived “error of their ways”, but that’s all you can do.

Until a person is good and ready to change, they won’t.

You can talk until you are blue in the face. You can support this person as they deal with certain issues and situations but you cannot make their decisions for them and sway them in one way or the other.

It’s difficult to see the people that we love doing things that we feel are not the best things for them to do. All we can do is support them unconditionally. If what we forsee comes to pass and the outcome is negative, we shouldn’t say I told you so. We should find our grace and continue to support and comfort the other person. Love does not judge, and we need to look at these situations to try and discern what the lesson is. There’s probably a lesson in it for us if it bothers us so much. Maybe the lesson for us is to let go of the things in life that we can’t control.

Rumi said:

It’s your road and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you.

So despite what we hope and pray for others, we need to let it go and let the person in question walk their road and learn the lessons they are meant to learn. There’s no way that we can shake them out of it or convince them otherwise, unless they are already willing to change things.

The only life you can control is your own. Take a deep breath and let go of the choices made by others. As one of my friends likes to say, “Not my circus. Not my monkeys.”

It’s fine to want the best for someone and to care and support, but by trying to force change, that person may distance themself from you, which likely isn’t the best situation for either party.

Breathe, relax, let go and trust that the right outcome will take place.


The worst is over. The best is yet to come!

Published July 16, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

Today’s card is overcoming difficulties. 


 Today, Archangel Jeremiel wants us to remember that our past experiences make us stronger. 

We can choose to be bitter, or we can choose to be better. We use these lessons to open our hearts to others in compassion when they are in the same or similar situations. 

Release any feelings of blame or victimhood. Do some forgiveness work and release any negativity around the situation that you still might be carrying with you. 

Realize that by doing this, you are attracting a loving solution and better circumstances to you. Stay positive. Things are changing for the better!

Have a great day!

Daily Advice: Go with the flow

Published June 27, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

Today’s card of the day is flowing river. 

This card reminds us to think of life as a river. Everything is happening with perfect timing, and we are no longer resisting the great river or life. Today is a period of ease and flow, where we aren’t trying to go faster or resist the river by swimming against it. 

If you aren’t feeling like you are in flow right now, think about the situations you are in and whether you are trying to control things which are not in your control. Let go of self criticism and judgement, and switch to appreciation and gratitude which will bring you back into flow. 

Let go of the bank and drift along the river today.