
All posts tagged #oraclecards

It’s going to be a great day full of prosperity strength and joy!

Published October 6, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

Here is the card of the day for Thursday, September 6, 2016. 

The first card is Flow of Prosperity. This card indicates that your prayers about finances have been heard and answered. Focus on abundance instead of worrying about money and you will manifest more abundance into your life. There is nothing to worry about. The flow of prosperity will support you and your loved ones. 

The next card is Focus upon your Strengths. This card reminds you to focus on your strengths instead of any perceived weaknesses. Even if your talents still require practice these are strengths and assets. The more you appreciate your strengths, the stronger they become. 

This card reminds you to view yourself with love and compassion. Any time you are feeling down on yourself, focus on your strengths instead. 

The last card is Power of Joy. This keeps coming up for me in this deck and it’s pretty poignant for me in this spread. Follow the path of joy you feel when you are working on your life’s purpose. Joy has the highest vibration of all the emotions. It has the power to remove all obstacles and attract all of your needs. Enjoy a good laugh today and do what brings you joy to find your life purpose.

It’s going to be a great day!

A quiet time to use your strength to plan your next steps

Published September 5, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

Here is the three card spread for Monday, September 5th. 

The first card is Ancient Forest. This card reminds us that our roots grow deep and we are grounded and in control. We have more strength than we realize to withstand the winds of life. Your greatest strength is silent and deep, just like the roots of the trees. Strength can be found in contemplation and meditation. Inner power can come from growth and change as well as surviving and conquering painful situations. 

The next card is Sweat Lodge. This card is about clutter clearing and purifying your body and home. It’s time to let go of things which no longer serve you or things which are not in line with your purpose. Go within. Determine what you need. Get in touch with yourself and then take action. 

The last card is Spirit Keeper of the North. I guess there’s a lot of going within coming and the energy is quiet. This card is also about going within. It’s time to take measure of your life to determine what is working and not working. It’s a time for forgiveness and fixing things around you that are broken. This is time to make plans and determine where the future is taking you. Ask for answers from your guides and Angels. They are here to help and sometimes when you take time to clear the chatter, the answers come from within. 

Trust, be grateful for the beauty in the world and see things from a higher perspective

Published September 4, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

Here is the three card spread for Sunday, September 4, 2016. 

The first card is Great Mystery.  This card reminds us that we are deeply and divinely guided. We are all exactly where we need to be at this exact point in time. Give the seeds you have planted the time to grow. Have faith it will happen as you want it to, or if you don’t know what the outcome will be, trust that the path will be illuminated for you. 

The second card is Walking in Beauty. You are beautiful inside and out just as you are now. Your grace is growing. As you are grateful for the beauty in life, you will notice more beauty in your life. Don’t put yourself or others down. Affirm beauty and look for the beauty in others. 

Eagle Medicine is about a heightened connection to the creator and seeing things from a higher perspective. Courage and stamina are filling your life and it is time to face and overcome your fears. You can do it!

Have a great Sunday!

Using your experiences to help others will bring you great joy

Published August 29, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

Here is my three card reading for Monday, August 29th. 

The first card is Wounded Healer. Healing energy is flowing through you now and even though you might not know it, you are healing others. Your faults are becoming your virtues and the adversity you have faced is only making you stronger. The roots are deepest where the wind blows hardest. You have walked the path you’ve walked to heal others. You are a healer. Whatever in your life needs healing is being taken care of in the other realms. 

The next card is Nature Spirits. The healing referred to in the last card brings you huge amounts of joy. Be open to the wonders of the universe coming into your life as you heal yourself and others. This time is a wellspring of joy and magic. 

The third card is Spirit of Water. Trust your intuition and know that you are on the right path. Take time for the nurturing of yourself and your inner child. Believe in your dreams and trust the messages your emotions are giving you. Communicate from your heart and trust your hunches. This is a time of healing and purification. 

You are exactly where you need to be to manifest forgiveness

Published August 23, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

Here is the three card spread for today. 

The first card is Great Mystery. This card is reminding us to have faith that we are exactly where we are meant to be at this time. We have planted seeds and now must trust that whatever we are manifesting is on its way to us. We have to have faith and trust in our own power to create our reality. If you can’t see the path now, have faith that each step will be illuminated as you move forward. Remember, if you planted seeds you wouldn’t immediately run outside and yell at them for not becoming fruit yet. Now is the time to maintain faith and patience. Whatever receives your care and attention will thrive and come to be. Watch where you place your attention. 

Spirit of Water ties in nicely here. This card is about trusting your intuition and embracing your inner child. Believe in your dreams. You are capable of anything. The world really is your oyster. Think of the things you could do in your life without your own self imposed barriers. The sky is the limit. What draws you? What is your passion? Define this and go in that direction. Water goes anywhere it wants, even through rock. Trust you will find the path. This is a card of extreme emotional healing. Trust the messages your emotions are giving you. Trust any hunches you have. Cleanse yourself and purify your space with water. Enter the flow of life. All is well. 

Peace Pipe is about healing  and forgiveness of yourself and others. Help others mend bridges in their life. You are not meant to carry any burdens, so forgive and free yourself. Do whatever you need to in order to make amends. You do not have to forgive the act, but you can forgive the person involved. Maybe there is a person in your life with whom you need to reconnect. Now is the time. You know what you need to do. 

Today’s spread really makes me feel forgiveness. Maybe you are struggling with something you are having trouble dealing with and you don’t understand why you aren’t over it. Have faith in where you are at in the process. Take steps toward healing. Even if you don’t know what to say, or how to forgive, trust that the path will be illuminated. Be gentle with yourself, purify and forgive yourself. This is no longer a burden for you to carry. Remember that the only one in control of how you react to situations is you, and you can make the choice to put down the load and release it. Forgiveness really is a gift you give yourself. 

Have a wonderful Tuesday!

Live your passions and love yourself in this action 

Published August 22, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

Here is the three card reading for today. 

The first card is Grandfather Sky. This card signals a period of extensive energy, vitality, health, healing and passion. This is the entry into an expansive cycle. Don’t hold back or repress what you are feeling – if you do, you will drain your energy. Do not strive only to meet the expectations of others, your needs matter too. Allow divine energy to flow through and you will find you have more energy to do the things you are passionate about. 

The second card is Prayer Feather.  This one came up the other day as well because we have to focus on love for ourselves as we are making time for ourselves to do the things we are passionate about. I feel like we might feel some guilt about making time for ourselves. Self care is never something we should feel guilt over. Love yourself as you pursue your passions. 

The last card is White Buffalo. This is a card of abundance and security. It is a time of balance and harmony where you could be called upon to stand up for another person. You have so much divine support. This is a time for balance in all things. Surrender to the support of spirit, you do not have to do anything alone!

Watch your health, take action and work on your priorities!

Published August 19, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

Here is the three card reading for the day:

The first card is Health and Healing. Your divine healing power has awakened and you feel compelled to help others heal. You want yourself and others to experience healthy vitality. Let go of any fears or restrictive feelings to fully open the miracles of healing. 

The second card is Go Now. This is the time to go away from a toxic situation or toward something desirable. This is the right time to do it and the universe is supporting you. No more excuses, it’s time to take the plunge. 

The third card is Priorities. This is a good time to work on things that are close to your heart. Even if you are confused about how to approach the subject, or you’re not sure whether you will accomplish the desired outcome, do it anyway. When you invest in your priorities, you invest in yourself. 

For me this almost feels like a weight loss target. Are you thinking about losing weight to help your health? Have you been putting it off? Now is the time to do it. Put one step in front of the other and trust you can do it!

Maybe it’s not weight loss for you. Whatever that health and healing card means to you, it’s time to move forward. 

Choose Peace, Count Your Blessings and Follow Your Heart

Published August 16, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

Here’s my three card reading for today:

Choose Peace reminds us that how we feel and react to situations and people is always in our control. We always have a choice, and peace is just a choice away at all times. Make a conscious effort to choose peace today when you get frustrated or don’t understand your current situation. To me, today’s reading feels more like a situation than social interaction. Peacefulness will also elevate your energy and vibration. 

Find the Blessing in Your Current Situation ties in well with the last card. Once you have chosen inner peace, you can step outside of emotion, which can be frustrated or defensive and see the situation more clearly from a different point of view. Rather than feeling stuck, or getting into a trap where you worry what might hit you next, stop.  Experience inner peace and ask yourself or the universe what you are supposed to learn from the situation. Have you learned a valuable lesson? Has someone taught you something? Time spent learning is never wasted. 

Follow Your Heart has been coming up a lot in my readings in the past few days. Once you have chosen inner peace and found the blessings or lessons, ask your heart for the solution and heed the advice your heart has to offer. Trust your heart, walk in faith and be true to yourself. Trust that you have the answer within, even if you don’t understand how it will manifest. Walk confidently in the direction of your desired outcome. You know what to do!

Have a wonderful Tuesday!

Keep true to your goals for positive change!

Published August 13, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

Here’s the three card reading for today!

The first card is Positive Change. Paravati is pointing out to us that we have outgrown situations and people and that its time for us to cut these things out to make room for positive change to flow in. Some of these situations may feel difficult to let go and leave behind, but they are necessary changes to push you beyond your comfort zone and allow new and wonderful things to blossom in your life. 

In brining in these changes, Purification also has to be kept top of mind. The purification applies to your motives and ensuring your focus is on service and not what you will get out of taking one action over another.  Purification of body and diet are also important. Eat healthy, delicious food that nourishes you. It’s also about making sure the way you live your life is in line with your true beliefs. I think this ties in really well with the last card because you are purifying your life and the things within it according to your beliefs at this time. 

But, Amanda…. Letting go is hard work! How do I do this? Letting go is scary and uncomfortable for me.

I know. This leads us into the next card which is Stay Focused. 

Stay focused on what you need to do with clear intent and purpose in mind. Don’t allow yourself to be caught up in the drama of others. Do what you need to do. Keep your promises to yourself and commit to your priorities. Keep a positive outlook and see your desires manifested. You’ll see rewarding, positive life change!

Have a fantastic day!

A good time for a career transition

Published July 29, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

Today, two cards fell out of the deck. They emphatically flung themselves at me so I took a photo of them both. The cards are: You Are Safe and Career Transition. 

Archangel Michael reminds us that he is protecting us against lower energies and grounding us, our loved ones and homes.

We’ve had this card before and you will remember that Michael is the protector. He surrounds us with light that repels lower energies and attracts love. Focus on light and love rather than fear, and you will get that which you desire. You are free when you are fearless and with Michael on the job, we are safe at all times. 

I think the object we are looking to attain here is a career change. 

Career Change

Archangel Chamuel states that our life purpose is triggering a blessed job change. You have prayed for help with your career and now it is occurring. Chamuel is helping to clear the old from our lives to make way for the new. Pay attention to repetitive dreams, visions and repetitive ideas as they are divine inspiration and hints of your next steps. You might not see the whole road at once, but each step will be lit along the way. 

Together I read them as it is a safe time to make a career change!

Exciting things are ahead!