
All posts tagged #allow

A time for trust, review and planning your next steps

Published November 9, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

Here is the card of the day for Wednesday, November 9. 

The first card is Divine Order. The message is from Archangel Raguel who says, “Everything is how it needs to be right now. Look past the illusion and see the underlying order.”

It’s easy for us to get caught up in negativity and frustration about the way our lives are playing out. This card is about trusting that you are exactly where you are supposed to be at this time. Use positive affirmations and prayers.  Trust that a win win resolution is coming, though you might not be able to see it at the time. 

The next card is Life Review. The message from Archangel Jeremiel is this: “take inventory of your life, and resolve to change or heal anything that is unbalanced.”

This is a time to take stock of your life. Look at where you are and witness how far you have come. Look back upon your life with a lens of compassion and humour. Don’t be too hard on yourself when you do this process. It takes courage to review your life. Notice the life patterns that are no longer serving you and work on releasing these. Ask Jeremiel to help. 

The final card is You Know What to Do. Archangel Uriel says, “Trust your inner knowledge and act upon it without delay.”
You are wiser than you give yourself credit for. Many of the answers you seek have already come from within. Trust your intuition and your gut in taking the next steps. 

I think especially with that Life Review card, now is a time for reflection and planning the next steps you will take in the direction of your dreams. It’s a time for quiet planning and strategizing, and learning to trust yourself. Be kind and compassionate to yourself in this process. 

Have a great Wednesday!

Relationship and career harmony is on the way!

Published September 3, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

Here is the 3 card spread for Saturday, September 3. 

The first card is Relationship Harmony. Your prayers for personal peace are being answered and you should be acknowledged for the peace you are bringing to the situation. Visualize everyone involved being open minded to a resolution even if they aren’t that way now. Trust all of the guidance you receive and remember that changes can be uncomfortable but necessary. All relationships have blessings, growth lessons and love at their core. Keep that in mind as this card works in your energy. 

The second card is Career Transition. You have been praying for guidance with your career and now it’s changing. Pay attention to any repetitive ideas or gut feelings. You might not see where the career change is taking you, but each step will be revealed along the way. 

The third card is Angel Therapy. Give your cares and worries to the Angels  and allow them to take your burdens. To talk to your angels, close your eyes and ask them for help, then be open to receiving the help as it comes. Follow any gut feelings or hunches. 

Maybe you are worried about your relationship and your job. I feel like a parrot when I suggest that you should get clear on what you really want. Don’t worry about how it will happen, just trust that it will. 

Have a great Saturday!

Saying no to something can mean saying yes to something greater

Published August 26, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

The card of the day is Hand of Fatimah. 

I look at this card and see huge divine support. Fatimah is reaching out to us, and we are reaching out to her. She is supporting us. She brings the gifts of protection, grace and love. 

She will help you and it would be useful to ask for her guidance every day. Any authentic words from your heart will do. She responds to the feeling behind the words and responds immediately. 

The seeds you have planted in your life are growing and will blossom with plenty of divine support. This is a time to listen to your intuition and follow your instincts. Be choosy about who you involve yourself with, and how you spend your time and energy. Give yourself permission to be nurtured. Take time for self care. Give yourself permission to say yes and no as you see fit. Give your body rest as healing is beneficial now. If you ask for help and protection, you will have it. 

There is nothing you could have done that would make you unworthy of divine intervention and love. Ask, trust and receive. 

You are exactly where you need to be to manifest forgiveness

Published August 23, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

Here is the three card spread for today. 

The first card is Great Mystery. This card is reminding us to have faith that we are exactly where we are meant to be at this time. We have planted seeds and now must trust that whatever we are manifesting is on its way to us. We have to have faith and trust in our own power to create our reality. If you can’t see the path now, have faith that each step will be illuminated as you move forward. Remember, if you planted seeds you wouldn’t immediately run outside and yell at them for not becoming fruit yet. Now is the time to maintain faith and patience. Whatever receives your care and attention will thrive and come to be. Watch where you place your attention. 

Spirit of Water ties in nicely here. This card is about trusting your intuition and embracing your inner child. Believe in your dreams. You are capable of anything. The world really is your oyster. Think of the things you could do in your life without your own self imposed barriers. The sky is the limit. What draws you? What is your passion? Define this and go in that direction. Water goes anywhere it wants, even through rock. Trust you will find the path. This is a card of extreme emotional healing. Trust the messages your emotions are giving you. Trust any hunches you have. Cleanse yourself and purify your space with water. Enter the flow of life. All is well. 

Peace Pipe is about healing  and forgiveness of yourself and others. Help others mend bridges in their life. You are not meant to carry any burdens, so forgive and free yourself. Do whatever you need to in order to make amends. You do not have to forgive the act, but you can forgive the person involved. Maybe there is a person in your life with whom you need to reconnect. Now is the time. You know what you need to do. 

Today’s spread really makes me feel forgiveness. Maybe you are struggling with something you are having trouble dealing with and you don’t understand why you aren’t over it. Have faith in where you are at in the process. Take steps toward healing. Even if you don’t know what to say, or how to forgive, trust that the path will be illuminated. Be gentle with yourself, purify and forgive yourself. This is no longer a burden for you to carry. Remember that the only one in control of how you react to situations is you, and you can make the choice to put down the load and release it. Forgiveness really is a gift you give yourself. 

Have a wonderful Tuesday!

Time to let go

Published July 23, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

Today’s card is Spirit Keeper of the West 

As I look at this card I notice the setting sun, and I take that as meaning we are turning the page on another chapter of our lives. Something is coming to an end. 

Have things been chaotic for you lately? Almost all change comes out of chaos and turmoil. Don’t be concerned if you have confusion in your life. Trust that the universe is busy orchestrating the best possible outcome. 

It’s a time of transformation but you must release the old from your life to make room for the new to come in.

Today slow down, reflect and release. Clear the clutter and allow the new. 

Have a great day!

When I trust and allow, I don’t need the how

Published July 12, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

I’m a poet and I didn’t know it! Haha!

I think I’m going to have to tattoo the words “trust” and “allow” on my forehead. When I get information for my readings sometimes I question the information. I need to view it without judgement. Anyway, that’s a bit of a tangent. 

I was thinking about manifestation today and how easily people are to say that the Law of Attraction doesn’t actually work because the results are not instantaneous. 

Your goal might be huge! Four years ago I knew I wanted to give readings to people out of my home. I embraced that I had no idea how it would happen, but I worked faithfully on my intuitive practice and honed my skills. I took down any blocks I had around it which took a lot of time and work and here we are. 

It takes faith to manifest things in your life. You need to believe to the core of your very being that what you desire is going to happen. It is coming and the universe is bringing it to you, because dagnabbit, that’s the way the LOA works. Focus, trust, allow and have faith. Hold on. Be tenacious. Take the first steps without seeing the rest of the staircase. 

Let go of the need to know. Be present, breathe, be faithful and know the universe is getting you there, one step at a time. Put one foot in front of the other and enjoy the journey. Nothing will happen if you don’t keep the faith and you don’t take the steps. It’s ok not to know the how, in fact, it’s probably more exiting!

Trust and allow, repeat. 

Published June 23, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

  Trust and allow.

Trust and allow. 

Trust and allow. 

I was talking to my mentor the other day about a reading which I was nervous about doing and she gave me some good advice about letting go of the outcome. 

I’ve talked about self trust here recently and I am still struggling a bit with it. As a medium I need to trust the information that I receive, and I do for the most part. Generally once I get my reading going, clients are nodding and saying that the things I am saying are making sense. As the reading rolls along I gain confidence and am more comfortable with freely saying the information that comes in. You know why? Because I am trusting and allowing!!!

I am going to work on trusting that the right information will come in for each client and that they will get the information from me they are meant to get. 

When my intention to be of service to others is clear and pure, my intuition is going to flow and my connection is going to be strong. There’s nothing that kills a reading faster than self doubt. 

The more you trust and the more you allow, the more comes in. 

Abraham says that trusting and allowing are the same thing. I guess they are, but I think I’ll make my mantra for the next little bit about trusting and allowing. Trusting in the in breath and allowing on the out breath.