Let go, choose peace and find the blessing in your situation

Published October 10, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

I’m late, but here is card of the day for Monday, October 10, 2016. 

The first card is Let it Go. It’s time to stop pushing for things to happen. When we push against the universal flow, it leads to frustrations and blocks. When you give the situation to spirit, you open supportive doors that will bring solutions and an outcome exceeding your expectations! Let go of struggle, anger, unforgiveness, or anything that’s undesirable. Trust that the universe is on your side.

The next card is Choose Peace. this card reminds us to choose the path of peace. As you think about various options and possible outcomes, which brings you the greatest feeling of peace in your body and mind? This is your answer. It’s always important to listen to your hearts truth and there’s always a peaceful alternative to conflict. Peacefulness will also elevate your energy and help you manifest your desires faster.

The last card is Find the Blessing in your current situation. This card reminds us that every situation offers opportunities to grow and learn. When we curse situations, or resist a situation, we block it’s energy flow and things fester and grow worse. As you recognize the blessings with in your situation, supportive and healing energy flows toward you. This card comes to you because there’s an unrecognized blessing within your current situation. It could be something that you’ve learned or gained. Recognize this blessing to accelerate the healing and manifestation that’s trying to come to you. Instead of worrying, pray and use positive affirmations. Know that everything is in divine and perfect order and that the situation is resolving itself perfectly.

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