
All posts tagged #divinity

Lay fear aside

Published August 25, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

Today’s reading from Holy Shift is this:

I love that. Know yourself as love which has no opposite in you. When you know and acknowledge this to yourself, there’s no room for fear, and what can you possibly fear knowing that you are love and you are divine and eternal. 

Something to think about next time you are trapped in a fear loop!

Embrace spiritual changes and remember who you are. 

Published August 6, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

The card of the day is A New Gown. 

There is a great leap coming in our spiritual awareness. Your sense of self and divine identity are going to be revealed in a way that has never been this strong before. 

Honour this change and embrace it. Cast aside beliefs in inferiority, superiority or self doubt. Cast off those old, ratty garments and let yourself be clothed in the robes of the divine. This is a new kind of empowerment. 

Release yourself from games or drama. Embrace the changes happening within you now. Be in your dignity and power and keep that energy flowing today. Your energy and divinity are ascending!

Enlightenment is but a recognition and not a change at all

Published July 7, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings


I was just looking at Holy Shift and I liked today’s meditation from A Course in Miracles: 

Why wait for heaven?

The ones that wait are merely covering their eyes. 

The light is in them now. 

Enlightenment is but a recognition, not a change at all. 

Workbook p I. Lesson 188 1:1-4

That last sentence really got my attention. 

Enlightenment is about opening your heart and your eyes to the light that is already within you. You have always been enlightened but have closed your eyes. 

We get so distracted with beliefs we learn and the stuff going on in our lives that we build ourselves a story about the way things are. We believe that story wholeheartedly. 

What if we gave up the story?

What if we looked at ourselves as the divine, loved and supported beings we actually are? What if we treated each other as equals, rather than us and them? What if we realized that we have all that we need? That our needs are provided and we do not need to drive ourselves mad with anxiety and worry?

What if we all knew we had the power to manifest the lives we wanted?

We do know. See the light shining within yourself and how wonderful you are. Accept the role as co-creator, and dance to the song of the universe. 

The entire universe resides within you. See your divinity. Meditate upon it, touch it, feel it and trust in it. 

What a cool idea to meditate on!

Let it go….Remember who you are.

Published May 26, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

All you parents are bursting into song, aren’t you!? I’m the only one who hasn’t seen Frozen. Ha!

I was just looking at Holy Shift! 365 Daily Meditations from A Course In Miracles and I thought today’s was really good. It’s all about letting go.

It is as sure that those who hold grievances
will redefine God in their own image, as it is
certain that God created them like Himself,
and defined them as part of him.

It is as sure that those who hold grievances
will suffer guilt, as it is that those
who forgive will find peace.

It is as sure that those who hold grievances
will forget who they are, as it is certain
that those who forgive will remember.

Workbook p. I. Lesson 68 3:1-3

When we hold a grudge or guilt ( a “grievance”), we let that grievance become who we are. Say you get in a fight with someone and you stop hanging out with your group of friends in the fear that you might see the person you fell out with, or you dwell so heavily on the grievance it begins to run your life by becoming all you think about. We have to let our grievances go.

I think what we all need to acknowledge is that forgiveness really is a gift that we give to ourselves. We have to assume that everyone is doing the best they can based on their current level of consciousness, and rather than looking upon these people with blame, or through the lens that they have “wronged” us, we should look upon them instead with compassion. They have made the choices they have made and we have made the choices we have made based on their own perception, and no two people see the world through the exact same lens. Each person adds a different flavour to situations. You can have 5 people in the same room and something can happen where all 5 would perceive it differently.

So much can be gained from letting go. I read an interesting little story about two monks crossing a river. They are walking along doing their Monk stuff (for some reason I have just started singing hey, hey we’re the Monkees, but that’s not part of the story), and they come to a river. There is a woman at the river and she needs help crossing. One of the monks carries the woman across the river, then puts her down on the other side. The monks and the woman carry on in different directions on their merry way. Finally the monk who didn’t carry the lady across the river says, “I can’t believe you broke your vow never to touch a woman.” The monk who carried the lady responded, “Yes, but it is you who are still carrying her.”

I thought that was powerful and tied in well with today’s meditation from Holy Shift. Who or what are you carrying? What can you let go? How can you empower yourself by forgiving and releasing that energy?

Remember your divinity and let it go. Don’t drink poison and expect your enemy to die. Forgiveness is for the greater good of all involved.

When we forgive and let go, we find peace. We forget who we really are as divine beings. Through forgiveness we remember our divinity.

Work Week Reading May 23-27

Published May 22, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

I’m late but it’s been a busy day! Without further ado, here is the work week reading!

Monday’s card is Passion.

Archangel Haniel is reminding us to follow our passions. Things are coming into our lives because we have asked for them. Experiences that align with our passion and purpose develop to show us more clearly the next step on our path. Maybe now is a good time to take stock of your life and just check in to see if you are spending your time on things you are passionate about. If not, ask Archangel Haniel to bring your passions to you, to help you get back on track. 

Tuesday’s card is Leadership. 

Archangel Gabriel is telling us that now is the time to assume our leadership power and position to lovingly guide others. Gabriel reassures us that it is safe to be powerful and she will protect us. This card reminds us to eliminate self doubt, and increases our desire to help, serve and teach. Focus on your own personal strengths on Tuesday and how good it feels to be a living example of divine guidance.

Wednesday’s card is Teaching and Learning. 

That dovetails nicely with Tuesday’s card. As our desire has shifted to helping, serving and teaching. It also ties into Monday’s card about our passions as well. Archangel Zadkiel advises us to teach others about the topics that awaken our passions. As a teacher, not only do you teach others, you reinforce lessons within yourself. Be open to both teaching and sharing on Wednesday. 

Thursday’s card is patience. 

Archangel Jophiel is reminding us to be patient with ourselves. Whether we are feeling stuck or stressed, it’s important to acknowledge that you are taking steps to manifest what you most desire in your life. These things can take time. Be kind to yourself and acknowledge you are doing the right thing. Sometimes, things come when they are meant to, which may not be as quickly as we think we need them to manifest. Stop and smell the roses on Thursday. 

Friday’s card is remember who you are. 

Archangel Michael wants us to remember that we are all powerful, loving and creative children of God. This is a great card for everyday. Remember that you are supported and loved. Do not be afraid of your power, magnificence or wisdom. When you succeed, others are inspired. When you change your life, others are inspired. This is your divine nature as you are made in the image of the creator. What a great way to end off the week! 

Card of the day:Answering the Call

Published May 13, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

What a cool card for today, given what has happened today. The card of the day is Answering the Call. 

You have been called! If you have been waiting for a shift in your life the wait is over. If you are looking for a sign this card is it!

You have so much divine support and communication channels with Spirit are opening. You are ready. Believe and miracles will abound!

Card of the Day: Remember Who You are

Published April 20, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

It’s easy to forget that in this world we are spirits having a human experience. We often get caught up in things which don’t matter. 

When you remember that you are an eternal, divine being and that you are wise, the little things won’t matter so much. You’ll remember that we are not finite, but have been here many times and likely will come back again to live many more lifetimes to continue learning and contributing to the collective consciousness. 

Don’t forget that the body is just a temporary home for your eternal soul. Remember who you are.