
All posts tagged #patience

Work Week Reading May 23-27

Published May 22, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

I’m late but it’s been a busy day! Without further ado, here is the work week reading!

Monday’s card is Passion.

Archangel Haniel is reminding us to follow our passions. Things are coming into our lives because we have asked for them. Experiences that align with our passion and purpose develop to show us more clearly the next step on our path. Maybe now is a good time to take stock of your life and just check in to see if you are spending your time on things you are passionate about. If not, ask Archangel Haniel to bring your passions to you, to help you get back on track. 

Tuesday’s card is Leadership. 

Archangel Gabriel is telling us that now is the time to assume our leadership power and position to lovingly guide others. Gabriel reassures us that it is safe to be powerful and she will protect us. This card reminds us to eliminate self doubt, and increases our desire to help, serve and teach. Focus on your own personal strengths on Tuesday and how good it feels to be a living example of divine guidance.

Wednesday’s card is Teaching and Learning. 

That dovetails nicely with Tuesday’s card. As our desire has shifted to helping, serving and teaching. It also ties into Monday’s card about our passions as well. Archangel Zadkiel advises us to teach others about the topics that awaken our passions. As a teacher, not only do you teach others, you reinforce lessons within yourself. Be open to both teaching and sharing on Wednesday. 

Thursday’s card is patience. 

Archangel Jophiel is reminding us to be patient with ourselves. Whether we are feeling stuck or stressed, it’s important to acknowledge that you are taking steps to manifest what you most desire in your life. These things can take time. Be kind to yourself and acknowledge you are doing the right thing. Sometimes, things come when they are meant to, which may not be as quickly as we think we need them to manifest. Stop and smell the roses on Thursday. 

Friday’s card is remember who you are. 

Archangel Michael wants us to remember that we are all powerful, loving and creative children of God. This is a great card for everyday. Remember that you are supported and loved. Do not be afraid of your power, magnificence or wisdom. When you succeed, others are inspired. When you change your life, others are inspired. This is your divine nature as you are made in the image of the creator. What a great way to end off the week!