
All posts tagged #angelcards

Use creative writing to manifest your desires. Positive change is coming!

Published September 10, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

Here is my three card spread for Saturday, September 10. 

The first card is Creative Writing

Archangel Gabriel says: Make time to write down your thoughts on a journal, or pen an article or book. 

It’s funny I’ve been drawn to journal lately. I was just looking at different kinds of journals online yesterday since I was looking for one that inspired me. The funny thing is, I have notebooks and journals all over my house. 

I believe (and am constantly saying to my clients) that journaling is the purest and clearest way to send an intention out to the universe. You think the thought and it comes through your body and you write it down. After you’ve written it, take a few minutes to set the intention to release it to the Universe. I find my manifesting works much more quickly with this method, and I think it’s because I am really paying attention. For manifesting to work, you need to be focused. I also remember things better when I write them down. 

The second card is Divine Order. 

Archangel Raguel says: Everything is how it needs to be right now. Look past the illusion and see the underlying order. 

Sometimes life is frustrating. Heck, it can be a downright shit show. We wonder why we are in the situations we are in, or why we aren’t where we want to be. In times like these, we need to remember that there is a divine order to everything. The Universe has a plan for us and is always aligning us with that plan which is for the greatest good. A win win situation is coming. Check your self talk. Make sure it’s positive – use affirmations if that helps, or hey, whip out that journal we were talking about earlier and manifest some awesome things. 

The third card is Indigo & Crystal Children. 

Archangel Metatron says: You have a bond with children. In particular, you can help children who are sensitive.  

Indigo and Crystal children are the future of this planet. You have an affinity for helping them relate to and embrace their psychic perception. I sometimes wish I had a psychic in my life when I was a kid who could have told me the stuff I was experiencing wasn’t just me being crazy. 

I feel a big push with my son not to shut it down in him the way it was shut down in me for such a long time. 

If you feel the urge to help crystal or indigo children, ask Metatron for help. He will guide the way. 

Have a great Saturday!

Today is a day for Action

Published June 22, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

The card of the day is Go Now. 

Today you have the support of the universe to take action on something you’ve been thinking about. This card tells us that we have all of the divine support we need to make those big decisions, whether it’s leaving your job r a toxic relationship, or booking that vacation you have had your eye on. 

Now is the time for action. Don’t delay. Go now. 

Card of the day: Listen

Published June 3, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

  Are you doing more talking than listening?
Today is a good time for quiet reflection. If you never tune out the other noise, how will you hear divine guidance?

Your guides are always talking to you. Listen to your breathing, observe your thoughts and feel the beat of your heart and the life flowing through you. Once you are quiet, a new world will open for you. 

Sit quietly and become the observer. Don’t try to force anything to happen. Listen for your inner guidance. 

Have a great day. 

Card of the day: Purification

Published June 2, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

The card of the day is Purification. 

This card reminds us to purify our lives. Whether it’s our diet – maybe we have been eating a lot of junk or not drinking enough water, or just making sure that our focus is not on what’s in it for us. We should instead be focusing on how we may serve. 

Today is a good day to affirm loving thoughts about yourself and others and stay away from things that lower your self esteem. It’s also a good time to leave behind people or situations that are not in alignment with your beliefs. This “house cleaning” is for your greater good!

Card of the Day: Remember Who You are

Published April 20, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

It’s easy to forget that in this world we are spirits having a human experience. We often get caught up in things which don’t matter. 

When you remember that you are an eternal, divine being and that you are wise, the little things won’t matter so much. You’ll remember that we are not finite, but have been here many times and likely will come back again to live many more lifetimes to continue learning and contributing to the collective consciousness. 

Don’t forget that the body is just a temporary home for your eternal soul. Remember who you are. 

Card of the day: You are Safe – Archangel Michael

Published April 4, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

Today’s card is you are safe. 


This card reminds us to be free of fear and worry so that we can focus on manifesting our desires. 

This is a good card for me. I heard back from the people at the psychic fair today and although they do not need any extra intuitives, since they are fully booked, the owner of the company does want to meet me to see whether we can work together on a different event. I actually found myself having self limiting thoughts like:

What if she doesn’t like me?

What if I’m not good enough?

What am I doing?

These fears are accomplishing nothing but holding me back. I have decided to let go of these self limiting beliefs and to trust in the universe to propel me steadfastly in the direction of my truth and purpose. 

When we trust in the universe we are safe. 

Join me in freedom from fear and self limiting beliefs!


Published March 29, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

The card of the day today is freedom!  

This card tells us that our souls need to be free. That seems really straightforward, and a silly statement but if you think about it,  when you say yes to the universe and you allow yourself to expand, the universe expands with you and clears the way for you to achieve your dreams.

What is holding you back from achieving your dreams? Is it another person? Is it a job? Is it a belief? When you can free yourself from whatever is blocking you, you clear the way to achieve your true potential.

What a great message for the day: to free yourself to achieve your potential. Knock down those walls, release those self limiting beliefs. Live fearlessly, freely and fully.

Card of the day… Peace offering

Published March 27, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

I pulled a card this morning and I thought it was kind of funny and fitting that it was peace offering. 


I’ve been having a few struggles at home lately and this card symbolizes the end of conflict and the return to harmony. The white buffalo calf woman asks us to look at the problem from a lighter side, to find the humour in the situation and remind ourselves to see the situation from the other persons point of view. 

It can be easy to forget other perspectives. We all see the same situation in different ways and it helps to be cognizant of that. The same experience will look vastly different to different observers. 

Take the first step in resolving conflict and offer the olive branch today. It worked for me this morning. 🙂     


Published March 26, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

I pulled a card this morning to think about during the day and the card I pulled was yes. 


What a great positive card for a sunny Saturday. All of the blockages in our way are removed and the path is clear to go after and manifest our sincerest desires. 

So far for me it has been a day of yes. Like I said, the sun is shining and I had a call from my tax preparer who told me I was getting significantly more of a refund than I was expecting. That’s a good thing. Now we have piled in the car to head out to the dairy for ice cream cones. 

Also, this card can explain why I’ve suddenly found my writing mojo again. Ganesh is particularly supportive of writers who are blocked.

I’m letting the power of yes and the positive influence of this card wash over me today and I hope you will too!

Open your heart to love 

Published March 25, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

Tonight I pulled an angel card to see what kind of message I should reflect upon. I thought with it being Easter, it was fitting that the card I pulled was Jesus and that the message is open your heart to love. 

I like working with angel cards and I particularly like Doreen Virtue’s cards. They’re beautifully illustrated and I connect with them well. 

I’m not a subscriber of any one religion. I take bits I like from all of them. I find that at the core they are all very similar. Love is so important. It is the core of who we are and when we give and receive unconditional love we raise our frequency. 

You can give love to anyone or anything and the more you do so, the more love will come back to you. Open yourself to receive the love of the world, the universe, your guides and your fellow people.

Even if you feel alone in the world, you can send love out to the world in general and the world will respond in turn.