
All posts tagged #reiki

Energy healing as a companion to mediumship work

Published August 7, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings


Most of you know by now that I love to have energy work done. I get my SAC tune ups every six months and I just love the way I feel when it’s all done. My teacher calls SAC (Spiritual Alignment Connection) “Reiki on crack” lol. 

Anyway, I’ve been finding that since I started giving readings to the public I have been feeling like I need a boost between my SAC tune ups. 

I went on Friday for a healing and it was great. I feel like everything is in alignment again and like I’ve got rid of some energetic “dust” hanging around me, clearing the cobwebs of my energetic field, so to speak. 

If you are engaged in mediumship work and feeling a little off your game, I really suggest getting some healing done with a good practitioner. 

I’m looking forward to my readings this week now that I have been recharged. I just completed my meditation on the chakras and I noticed that they are all calm, balanced and lovely. Everything seems to be spinning at the same, relaxed pace. 

It’s going to be a busy (but good) week!

Using Essential Oils in Reiki

Published April 20, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

Image courtesy of http://www.mysticaljourney.ca

I went out this weekend and I picked up an essential oil to use in my self Reiki practice. I walked into Esscents Aromatherapy and told the salesperson I wanted something to use for Reiki and something that preferably contained sage, given that I am an intuitive channel, it’s nice to have something I can use for clearing as well. 

I picked out an oil called calm water. It’s really nice. It’s a combination of sage and tagetes. http://www.escentsaromatherapy.com/Calm-Water-Aroma-Blend_p_1473.html

So far I’ve used it twice and found that it helps to keep my focus on my Reiki work while I am doing it. Also, when I put the oil on my hands, I can feel the warmth of the Reiki energy faster. I’ll keep using it and see how it goes. 

Do you use essential oils for Reiki? Which ones do you like? How do you feel they enhance your practice?

Meditation Moments

Published April 14, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

I read in a book by Jon Kabat-Zinn that the people who spend time talking about the virtues of meditation would be better off actually meditating. Lol!

I  am going to talk about it anyway. 

Tonight I ran a short 3k tempo run ahead of the big 10k Sun Run this weekend here in Vancouver. The energy was really flowing through my body and I had a shower and then sat down for my meditation. I know that I won’t be able to sleep right away because my body is still pumped full of endorphins. 

I did a quick chakra clearing guided meditation and then walked myself through some self reiki. 

Meditation is awesome. It’s especially awesome when you focus so deeply, you are in a state of total flow and bliss. Right now, I honestly feel like a piece of cooked spaghetti and I’m trying to muster the oomph to get up the stairs to bed. 

I’m completely grounded and centred now. I feel calm to my core. 

If you’re new to meditation, you could start with just a few minutes at a time and work your way up to longer durations. I am up to a 45 minute average now, which is excellent. 

As for the changes it has made in my life: I used to deal with anxiety regularly and I probably would have rated my anxiety at an 8/10 pretty much every day. Now I’m at a 2 or a 3. I’m taking control through meditation and becoming more mindful. 

What are your favourite tricks of the meditation trade?

Hooray! Success!

Published April 6, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

I just finished my meditation and am pleased to report that it was much better than the last two nights. I started with a short chakra clearing meditation and once I started to feel my own vibration and take my seat outside of myself I knew I was well on my way. 

I finished with about 30 mins of self Reiki, which is always nice. I totally feel like a noodle. 

Phew. Perhaps I was just preoccupied the last couple of days, but I really enjoyed that meditation session. I guess I got my groove back!

A guide did my healing!

Published March 23, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

A couple of weeks ago, I was meditating. I usually do a guided chakra clearing followed by some self Reiki.

Just as I was starting to do the hand positions, I felt and saw in my minds eye, a Native American man. I’d seen this man before, during my SAC tune up in December. He told me that his name was White Raven and that I should remain still and he would complete the healing for me, which was cool. He worked mostly through my crown chakra and I felt amazing afterward. Completely relaxed, yet energized.

After I had finished the meditation and the healing, I felt compelled to look up White Raven on Google. I ended up finding a legend about the white raven, which I thought was quite interesting. I always enjoy it when I can find validation in what I hear or see when I am “in the zone”.

The legend actually speaks of a white raven who had nowhere to land so the creator created the white buffalo. The raven and buffalo were buddies. The raven would fly around looking for food and the white buffalo would follow him. When it was led to the food, the white buffalo would stop and the white raven would rest on his back. After that, man was created. The first generation knew not to touch the white raven or the white buffalo. They believed that these two were sacred. A while later, another generation of unenlightened men were created. Although the creator provided them with plenty of regular buffalo to hunt, they hunted the white buffalo. Devastated at the loss of his buddy, the white raven flew around until he was forced to land. He ended up getting covered in dirt until he was black and vowed not to return until the world was a more spiritual place.

I read somewhere that white raven says he will come to the spiritually inclined.

Thought I would share that story. I thought it was a very interesting meditation session! Have you ever had a guide come in during a healing and take it over?

Self Reiki

Published February 16, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

ive been busy and things have been hectic so I haven’t been blogging much. Last week during one of my post-run meditation sessions, I thought that I should try some self Reiki. I thought that it might help with what I am going through. 

Tonight, I pulled out my Reiki binder, turned on some meditation music, and started walking myself through the five precepts. Once I started doing the hand placements I remembered why Reiki is so great. I’m warm, relaxed and I feel like a noodle. I could feel the Reiki energy running through my hands

I’m going to try and keep this in my meditation routine at least once a week. 

SAC (Spiritual Alignment Connection)

Published November 28, 2014 by Metaphysicalmusings

Today I had my first SAC session with my teacher and mentor. I was really excited since it’s something I have wanted to do for quite a long time. I’ve never really had any energy work some before, other than a little bit at a Reiki course I took. A couple of other girls I know called it, “Reiki on crack”. Lol!

You lie on a massage bed and your practitioner goes around you and performs energy work. From the research I have done, a lot of people say that following SAC, it’s common to enter a six month period of total change. Your energy field changes a lot in the process. My mentor does SAC in five sessions.

I will keep you updated on what I experience. So far, other than feeling a little bit sluggish, I don’t have a lot to report.

Getting the energy healing session was good and the energy changed during the session from a very lighthearted, playful energy to more of a mellow energy. I’m still feeling quite peaceful and relaxed, and I have the feeling that I’m going to sleep really well tonight.

My energetic field feels different to me too. There definitely was movement of energy. I was twitching quite a bit during the healing session and could feel the energy moving around me.

It was cool! I will keep you posted!

Have you read a lot of spiritual books? What techniques have you put into practice?

Published November 25, 2014 by Metaphysicalmusings

Last night, as I was working my way through Tune In, by Sonia Choquette one of the journal questions was, “have you read a lot of spiritual books before this one? What techniques have you put into practice?”

The point is so many of us on the search for spiritual enlightenment devour everything we can get our hands on, expecting to find the magic information where we can effortlessly tune in to spirit without having to do any actual work. Guess what, people? It takes work.

The whole reason people write these books is to offer techniques you can tailor to yourself and put into practice in your everyday life.

I was reflecting on the books I have read on the subject and the ones that have given me the most valuable information. The first book I read was You Are Psychic by Deborah Katz. It was my first foray into acknowledging myself and opening up to the possibility of my mediumship. It taught me how to ground myself, ground my house, and set up the screen inside my head. Though I am clairaudient and not clairvoyant, it has helped me immensely to have the squishy red chair in my head, right behind my third eye chakra, where I can sit and be an observer rather than an active participant.

The next book I found really useful and have read a couple of times is Ask and it is Given, by Esther and Jerry Hicks. The processes are amazing. Abraham helped me to take my daily anxiety level down from an 8 to a 2. Even now, I would not put my anxiety level anywhere near where it used to be!

Be your own Shaman by Deborah King introduced me to energy healing, and inspired me to get my level 1 Reiki certification. Granted, I haven’t done a ton of practice with reiki, but I do use it sometimes. Mostly when my son won’t settle. He laughs when I send him reiki energy.

Anything by Sonia Choquette has been incredibly practical and helpful. She has a great voice and her books radiate positive, helpful energy. Sonia has taught me a lot.

Proceed with caution with Wayne Dyer. His advice is practical and I often find him a little bit long winded, but I have read a couple of his books that have really resonated with me, and I do quote him quite often.

Peace Is Every Step by Thich Nhat Hanh has taught me a lot about mindfulness and I think everyone needs to read it. We are reading it in my intuitive book club this month and I can’t wait to dive into it again. Just carrying that book with me makes me happy!

So aside from all that, yes I have implemented a lot of the teachings in my everyday life. What about you? Are you willing to put in the work to find your connection to Spirit and your intuition?

Reiki precepts

Published October 9, 2014 by Metaphysicalmusings

I was thinking about Reiki this morning. Mainly reflecting on the 5 precepts and how great they are.

Especially with my recent focus on being more mindful in my everyday life. Since the precepts start with “just for today…” I guess you could go even more micro than this and apply it to “just for this moment…”

Just for today…
I will not anger,
I will not worry,
I will do my work honestly,
I will be thankful,
I will be kind to all living things.


Another thing that’s even helping me lately are Deepak Chopra’s Affirmations for Healing. In one of the meditations he says,

there is nothing to fear in the present

Stay in the present. The fear we feel comes from hang ups from the past and worries about the future, which are projected onto the future from the past.

Good reasons to be mindful, right!?

A Bit About Me

Published June 3, 2014 by Metaphysicalmusings

Wow, I have a couple of followers. Hey there. Thanks for stopping by and reading my meandering ramblings!

I thought maybe I’d do a little about me post, because, hey, maybe you are wondering who this gal is.

I’m an office flunky by trade, currently on maternity leave looking after my son.

I’m on a journey, as we all are, to grow and evolve spiritually in this life, and my journey started with my spirituality, in earnest, probably about two years ago.

I’ve always been intuitive. Many times in my life, I’ve seen things and heard things that nobody else has seen and heard. You might think I’m crazy, but that’s ok, I might think that you are crazy too!

I’ve been reading a lot of books (I have always been an insatiable bookworm), and there’s a lot bouncing around inside this head of mine, and I needed an outlet.

This blog has been set up as a safe spot for me to process what I’m learning and get all this stuff out on “paper”. I really wrestled with the idea of this blog, and haven’t been auto sharing it anywhere because I have been worried that people will think I have gone bat crap crazy! Oh well. Maybe I have.

The Mad Hatter: Have I gone mad?

Alice: I’m afraid so. You’re entirely bonkers. But I’ll tell you a secret. All the best people are.

I was wrong before. The journey started when I was a kid, really. I was always interested in different belief systems and religions. I always sought out material hoping that one day I could find one that had everything I wanted, but none did. I cobbled together my own belief system from a myriad of different religions, taking bits and pieces that I liked from one or another, and making a kind of “me-ism”. (Kind of reminds me of Ferris Bueller on -isms… hehe)

Not that I condone fascism, or any -ism for that matter. -Ism’s in my opinion are not good. A person should not believe in an -ism, he should believe in himself. I quote John Lennon, “I don’t believe in Beatles, I just believe in me.” Good point there. After all, he was the walrus. I could be the walrus. I’d still have to bum rides off people. – Ferris Bueller’s Day Off

Anyways, after lots of different experiences and chasing different leads, a couple of years ago I really started moving in the right direction with some help. I’ve been reading all the books I can get my hands on, and applying the things I am learning and it is making a HUGE difference in my life.

I’ve been channeling now for about a year and a half. I haven’t really been going crazy with it and doing it a lot, but I do it when a good opportunity presents itself. I’ve been quite surprised with the messages I have received. Some have made my hair on the back of my neck stand up!

I might end up sharing some of that here. We shall see.

Even I am on the skeptical side of some of these things!

I took my level 1 Reiki last June, but I really haven’t used it much. One of my goals for the near future is to start using that more! I was doing it regularly before I had my son.

There’s my disorganized ramble about who I am. I hope you enjoy the things that you read here, and that my posts are helpful or meaningful in some way. That’s my goal. I’ll explain in more detail later.