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A Bit About Me

Published June 3, 2014 by Metaphysicalmusings

Wow, I have a couple of followers. Hey there. Thanks for stopping by and reading my meandering ramblings!

I thought maybe I’d do a little about me post, because, hey, maybe you are wondering who this gal is.

I’m an office flunky by trade, currently on maternity leave looking after my son.

I’m on a journey, as we all are, to grow and evolve spiritually in this life, and my journey started with my spirituality, in earnest, probably about two years ago.

I’ve always been intuitive. Many times in my life, I’ve seen things and heard things that nobody else has seen and heard. You might think I’m crazy, but that’s ok, I might think that you are crazy too!

I’ve been reading a lot of books (I have always been an insatiable bookworm), and there’s a lot bouncing around inside this head of mine, and I needed an outlet.

This blog has been set up as a safe spot for me to process what I’m learning and get all this stuff out on “paper”. I really wrestled with the idea of this blog, and haven’t been auto sharing it anywhere because I have been worried that people will think I have gone bat crap crazy! Oh well. Maybe I have.

The Mad Hatter: Have I gone mad?

Alice: I’m afraid so. You’re entirely bonkers. But I’ll tell you a secret. All the best people are.

I was wrong before. The journey started when I was a kid, really. I was always interested in different belief systems and religions. I always sought out material hoping that one day I could find one that had everything I wanted, but none did. I cobbled together my own belief system from a myriad of different religions, taking bits and pieces that I liked from one or another, and making a kind of “me-ism”. (Kind of reminds me of Ferris Bueller on -isms… hehe)

Not that I condone fascism, or any -ism for that matter. -Ism’s in my opinion are not good. A person should not believe in an -ism, he should believe in himself. I quote John Lennon, “I don’t believe in Beatles, I just believe in me.” Good point there. After all, he was the walrus. I could be the walrus. I’d still have to bum rides off people. – Ferris Bueller’s Day Off

Anyways, after lots of different experiences and chasing different leads, a couple of years ago I really started moving in the right direction with some help. I’ve been reading all the books I can get my hands on, and applying the things I am learning and it is making a HUGE difference in my life.

I’ve been channeling now for about a year and a half. I haven’t really been going crazy with it and doing it a lot, but I do it when a good opportunity presents itself. I’ve been quite surprised with the messages I have received. Some have made my hair on the back of my neck stand up!

I might end up sharing some of that here. We shall see.

Even I am on the skeptical side of some of these things!

I took my level 1 Reiki last June, but I really haven’t used it much. One of my goals for the near future is to start using that more! I was doing it regularly before I had my son.

There’s my disorganized ramble about who I am. I hope you enjoy the things that you read here, and that my posts are helpful or meaningful in some way. That’s my goal. I’ll explain in more detail later.