
All posts tagged #precepts

Reiki precepts

Published October 9, 2014 by Metaphysicalmusings

I was thinking about Reiki this morning. Mainly reflecting on the 5 precepts and how great they are.

Especially with my recent focus on being more mindful in my everyday life. Since the precepts start with “just for today…” I guess you could go even more micro than this and apply it to “just for this moment…”

Just for today…
I will not anger,
I will not worry,
I will do my work honestly,
I will be thankful,
I will be kind to all living things.


Another thing that’s even helping me lately are Deepak Chopra’s Affirmations for Healing. In one of the meditations he says,

there is nothing to fear in the present

Stay in the present. The fear we feel comes from hang ups from the past and worries about the future, which are projected onto the future from the past.

Good reasons to be mindful, right!?