
All posts tagged #Miracles

Seek the Divine in all things

Published August 8, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

The card of the day is Divine Discontent. 

  This card is about looking for the divine in all things. 

This is about opening our eyes and awakening to the divine rather than focusing on the small gods we seem to like to worship: our jobs, the way we look, our status or not being able to live our lives in a particular way. When we are focused on these things we lose the divine. 

Be honest with yourself today about where your energy is focused. The divine is drawing us closer and telling us to get outside and take in the sunshine, smell the flowers and see what miracles surround us. There is more to truth than what is flashed at us on screens. Go outside and witness a sunset, rather than the one you use as your computer’s wallpaper. Stand in the forest and take a deep breath and smell the foliage. Feel nature and miracles around you. That is truth. 

Your soul is yearning to be embraced by the divine, which ironically, is all around you. 

If you’ve been waiting for your life to shift, the waiting is over

Published July 27, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

The card of the day is Answering the Call. 

If you have been waiting for your life to shift, the waiting is over. Your guides, ancestors and depearted loved ones are sending you the strength and support you need. Gateways are opening for communication with other realms. Signs from spirit are all around you. Watch out for them today. 

Don’t spend so much time waiting for something to happen that you miss the present moment. Cherish the here and now. Follow the signs, have faith and miracles will manifest. Your time is now!

I am realistic – I expect miracles.

Published May 28, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings


Yesterday’s meditation from Holy Shift: 365 Daily Meditations from A Course in Miracles has really stuck with me. It was this:

There is
no order or difficulty
in miracles.

One is
not “harder” or “bigger”
than another.

They are all the same.

All expressions
of love are

Text – 1 I. 1:4

We tend to think of miracles and measure them in terms of grandeur. Someone who is blind can see. Someone who has cancer is healed. You know the drill.

Something I’ve learned in my short time looking at A Course in Miracles is that we are all really programmed (I think by modern religion), to look for these miracles of grandeur.

When we are looking for these large miracles, it makes it seem like miracles are few and far between in this world. When we widen the scope, we learn that everything is a miracle. You and I are miracles. Heck, all I have to do is look at my little kid and realize that he, and every moment I spend with him are miracles. Language is a miracle, communication is a miracle, knowledge is a miracle.


You don’t need religion, you don’t need church, you don’t need to pray until your knees go numb. Just look around. They’re everywhere. Even in your darkest hour in the darkest place, if you look for light, you’ll find it.

Every miracle is a genuine and full expression of love, and all expressions of love are miracles.

Let’s expect miracles as part of our existence. Search for them like a hungry mongoose looking for food, and you’ll see them everywhere (miracles, not mongooses. LOL! Er…mongeese? Anyway.. )!

Miracles surround me at all times. By simply bringing miracles into my current awareness, I inspire more expressions of love in its purest form, and more miracles will occur before my eyes. The love of the miracle will be amplified many times over to increase the well being of the entire world and the collective consciousness.

As one of our important teachers, Dr. Wayne Dyer said:

I am realistic – I expect miracles.

Food for thought. 🙂

PS – If you liked this post, you can also follow me on Twitter @talking2spirits, or you can find my community on Facebook, just search @mymetaphysicalmusings.