Holy career transition, Batman!

Published September 17, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

Here is my three card spread for Saturday, September 17. How is it already mid-September?!

Look what has popped up again. Career transition. Am I changing jobs?

As a reminder:

Archangel Chamuel says: Your life purpose is triggering a blessed career change. 

If you have been praying for help with your career, change is imminent! Although stressful, Chamuel is clearing out the old and making way for the new. Pay attention to repetitive dreams, ideas and visions as they are lighting the way to the career you desire. 

The second card is Sensitivity. 

Archangel Haniel says: 

You are extra-sensitive to energies and emotions right now. Honour yourself and your feelings. 

Sensitivity is a super power. There’s no such thing as being too sensitive. It allows you to see people and situations clearly. Trust and follow your hunches, impressions and intuition.  Haniel can help you determine whether what you are feeling is actually yours or whether it belongs to someone else. 

I was just saying to someone today that I feel like there’s going to be a big shift coming in the near future for me. It feels like I’m standing on the precipice of something big. 

The third card is Hello from Heaven. 

Archangel Azrael says: your loved ones in Heaven are doing fine. Let go of worries, and feel their loving blessings. 

Trust that anyone you have lost is doing well in heaven and have been restored to their former glory. When you are quiet and still, you can feel their presence and feel their messages. The bonds we create in life transcend life and death and those connections endure though the physical body does not. All is well and your loved ones are watching and cheering you on from the great beyond. 

Have a wonderful weekend!

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