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What inspires you?

Published September 26, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

I’ve been thinking about inspiration and what inspires me and gets me fired up. 

I’m excited about life and the changes I’m making. Great things are manifesting all around me from my taking the steps required to get momentum building. 

I’m fired up from the intuitive and psychic work. The phone is ringing, clients are calling and my videos and blog posts are gaining traction and being viewed by more people. 

Giving messages gets me excited. Being in service to others and being able to provide guidance, comfort and closure make me happy. To be able to help someone else deal with grief, sadness or indecision is why I’m here and I’m in my element when I’m doing that work because that is where I’m supposed to be. 

You know the scene at the end of a Christmas Carol, where Scrooge is jumping all over the place in excitement because he hasn’t missed Christmas? We should all be running around like that in a state of pure joy all the time. Be thankful for another day. The more gratitude you express, the more you’ll have to be grateful for. That’s the way the LOA works. 

I’m doing Facebook live videos to get out of my comfort zone. I was thinking about catalysts for change today. I think the biggest catalyst for me was ordering my business cards in May. I ordered those cards and everything started happening. 

If you take the first step, the universe will show you the way!

How have you inspired yourself today?