
All posts tagged #believe

Your beliefs are the lifeblood of your thoughts. 

Published September 11, 2016 by Metaphysicalmusings

Today, my Facebook memories brought up an interesting status update I posted on this day last year. That was this: 

Belief is the lifeblood of your thoughts. It makes them both real and true. 

I am a random spouter of brilliance!

Think about that for a minute. You are always in control of your thoughts and your reactions to any circumstance. Things are only true because you believe them to be true. 

I’m sure we all know someone who, in our eyes, lives in a world of complete delusion. We wonder how they can live their lives the way they do. Did we not witness the same situation? No. That person sees the situation from their own perspective and then believes that their perception is truth.  

Belief drives our engines. We believe our religion is the right one, we believe that we were wronged by someone else, we believe we aren’t worthy of our desires. 

Those are negative examples, but we can turn them around to make them positive and start drawing in the stuff that we do want. We can believe we are worthy of our desires, we can believe everyone is acting in accordance with our highest good. We can believe that we are awesome. When we believe, we achieve. It doesn’t work the other way. 

I picked a Wayne Dyer quote for the open of this post. I quote him often. His most popular quote is: 

When you believe it, you’ll see it. 

Beliefs are so powerful and so many beliefs are learned from the adults around us as we grow up. Some beliefs are outmoded, but all is not lost. We have the ability and control at any time to change our beliefs! Woohoo!

You can create your best life by changing your beliefs today. Why not start now?